Adductor Abductor Machine V3


The Abductor helps isolate the muscles located on the lateral side of your thighs and the buttocks. The Seated hip Abduction sculpts and firm the top of the hip, which makes the waistline look narrower. Also, machine hip abductions are highly suitable for both beginners and advanced bodybuilders and there is no particular risk of any contact between the hip bones.Seated hip abduction develops the muscles of your inner thighs and belongs to the isolated, single-joint exercise category because only the hip joints are mobilized.
The main job of the Adductors is to pull your legs together (moving the thigh towards or across the mid-line of the body), so they work in opposition to your hip abductors. Best results are achieved in long sets until you feel burn. I The two are often exercised one after the other to eliminate muscle imbalance, which can potentially lead to injury. Machine abductions are suitable for both beginners and advanced bodybuilders. To avoid injury, be sure to warm up properly and avoid opening your legs wider than your own flexibility will easily allow.

