Genocide resolution should pass
By: JIM HORN - Commentary
A brouhaha is brewing regarding the proposed resolution --- the timing is an issue --- to recognize the Turkish genocide directed at Armenians ninety years ago when more than 1.5 million Armenians were slaughtered by Turks. During the two years I lived in Turkey, I got to know and understand the Turks and Armenians, as well as other downtrodden minority groups in that country.
The resolution is a Democratic initiative and President Bush is trying to block it, claiming the resolution will provoke the Turks to cut off routes used to supply our bases in Iraq.
The Turks are angry at Iraqi Kurds who harbor guerrillas who have been attacking Turks in support of Turkish Kurds who want independence from Turk oppression. The Turks are threatening to mount a significant incursion across the border into Iraq to attack the Kurds, the most successful of the three major Iraqi groups in self-government. In this attack, the Turks would cut those supply lines anyhow.

The resolution is driving the Turks batty because they want to control how we Americans manage our internal affairs. Their threatening to cut off routes through Turkey that we use to supply our bases --- and Iraqi Kurds --- if it passes is just an excuse they are using in support of their argument to attack Iraq.
While the Turks were a useful ally during the Cold War, the Cold War is over and that alliance means nothing now. The Turks needed us more than we needed them because Joe Stalin was ready to trounce them, and NATO gave the Turks protection.
The Turks sabotaged our pre-invasion plans in Iraq. They have been the most useless, costly and problematic NATO partner in the alliance, repeatedly in disputes with a more stalwart NATO partner, Greece.
If the Turks cut off our supply lines into Iraq or attack Iraq --- the Iraqi Kurds --- they should be booted out of NATO, and all American and European military assistance to Turkey should be cut off. They no longer need it. They are no longer threatened by the USSR.
A clarifying note: The so-called Turks garnered a reputation of incredible ferocity during the Korean war. The reality is that the "Turks" who fought so valiantly were in fact Kurdish conscripts, along with conscripted Christian Armenians, Assyrians, Bulgars and Greeks. The only contribution the Turks made was their officers and senior noncoms who stood behind the conscripts with machine guns at the ready to gun down any who faltered.
A congressional vote for the resolution would be well-deserved recognition for the significant contributions Armenian-Americans have made to America, a lot more than the Turks have contributed.
Jim Horn of Sun City is a retired U.S. diplomat

Пікірлер: 16

  • @AstarjianBookFan
    @AstarjianBookFan17 жыл бұрын

    Nice! Shnorhagal yem!

  • @nudder62
    @nudder6216 жыл бұрын

    Agreed kurda08

  • @GaroArmen
    @GaroArmen16 жыл бұрын

    fellow armenians,lets redouble our efforts for H.r.106,we never came this close,renergize,refocus to our national agenda.

  • @nudder62
    @nudder6216 жыл бұрын


  • @nudder62
    @nudder6216 жыл бұрын

    "The Turkish denial [of the Armenian Genocide] is probably the foremost example of historical perversion. With a mix of academic sophistication and diplomatic thuggery -- of which we at Macquarie University have been targets -- the Turks have put both memory and history into reverse gear." -- Prof. Colin Tatz, Director, Centre for Comparative Genocide Studies (Centre for Genocide Studies Newsletter, (December 1995-January 1996))

  • @nudder62
    @nudder6215 жыл бұрын

    Your language is absolutely and 100% from the same origin as modern MONGOLIAN. The truth stings. Also, I'd rathe rbe Mongolian than Turkish, myself, I agree with you on that. ;P As for a heritag based on thievery and deceit (feigned friendship was Osman Ghazi's MAIN foreign policy) and the UPSHOT SALJUQ (look up UPSHOT SALJUQ on google and spell it like that) phenomenon (stealing Armenians) I'd guess you would rather make me Muslim like yourself than cut me and wear me like a hat.

  • @nudder62
    @nudder6216 жыл бұрын

    The "mirror broken" in 1915 was exactly that. You destroyed your daddy people. You threw a brick int he mirror!

  • @nudder62
    @nudder6216 жыл бұрын

    Vietnam was a tiny war in a far off land. To compare the VIETNAM WAR and the USA to the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE (a GENOCIDE) of ARMENIANS by ISLAMIZED ARMENIANS (aka TURKS) is outrageous. You are a true DEMIN MsTURKEY

  • @nudder62
    @nudder6215 жыл бұрын

    The (spell it like this) "Saljuq Upshot" at google shows us that sinc ebefore 1071 AD Turks (Saljuq) were stealing Armenian girls by the thousands. Armenian boys? Devshirme (blood tax). Ottoman Turks (85% Armenian at this point) sprang forth from the Saljuq-Armenized "tribes."

  • @nudder62
    @nudder6215 жыл бұрын

    Ha! You are guilty of GENOCIDE. No PEACE until JUSTICE is done! Liars. Killers. Demons. Enjoying OUR TREES? Our farms? Our orchards? Our genes?

  • @nudder62
    @nudder6216 жыл бұрын

    The criminal kills the woman, man, child and leaves a couple of kids, one is stolen and converted to another religion and then the killer's child, who kept all the GOLD and HOMES and LANDS and even F_CKED the STOLEN CHILD says: "PAST IS THE PAST." So you KEEP THE FRUITS OF GENOCIDE, THEN? Ever hear of THOSE WHO FORGET THE PAST ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT IT? You Are A PRODUCT of youR PAST!

  • @nudder62
    @nudder6216 жыл бұрын

    But NOW you are suddenly admitting the Armenian Genocide but saying you can KEEP THE FRUITS OF GENOCIDE AND DENY IT ON THOTHER SID OF YOUR MOUTH! (Oh--this comment of yours is STAYING! Not deleting this classic!)

  • @nudder62
    @nudder6216 жыл бұрын

    In other words: TURKEY DID A GENOCIDE AND HAS DENIED JUSTICE FOR DECADES AND IT IS TIME FOR ARMENIANS TO LET GO? Nope. We will follow you and hound you till you look in the mirror and admit you are 85% Armenian -- sons and daughters of STOLEN and FORCIBLY-converted-to-Islam former CHRISTIAN boys and girls. Apologize for JANISSARY and HAREM ABDUCTION system, apologize for massacres and Genocide.
