Acceptance Speech by re elected Katima Mayor Shamalaza

THE Katima Mulilo Town Council has re-elected Mr. Lister Libuku Shamalaza as mayor of Katima Mulilo on Thursday.
Cllr Shamalaza, took oath before magistrate Clara Mwilima after he was elected as the town mayor with un-opposed nominations from SWAPO Councillor John Ntemwa Ntemwa, which was seconded by Councillor Lascan Munalula Sikosi of PDM.
At the same occasion Cllr Christina Chizabulyo Simanaga was also re-elected as the Deputy Mayor, while Cllr Ntemwa was re-elected as the Chairperson of the management Committee.
Councillor Sikosi, (PDM), Cllr Beritha Namangolwa Mapenzi (SWAPO) and Cllr Watson Kalaluka (NDP) were elected as members of the management committee.
In his acceptance speech, SWAPO Katima Mayor Shamalaza emphasised the importance of service delivery.
“Your confidence in me has blessed on the shoulder of the necessary burden to work tirelessly to change the lives of the people for the better” quashed Shamalaza
He expressed gratitude that his re-election is a clarion call to lead Katima Council in order to fulfil his promises to deliver basic services to the residents of the town.
“My re-election today is not a personal thing but a call to action. Therefore, I honour and privileged on my part to accept the new mandate to continue lead the Katima Mulilo Town Council”
He further thanked his SWAPO party for instructing him with responsibility in translating its electoral manifesto into its workable action plan and as a partner of the electorate to be accountable for better service delivery.
“Time of deliver is now not tomorrow let’s do things differently, remember the objective is to care, serve and make the people feel that they belong to this town or council…therefore I officially accept the re-election as a mayor of Katima Mulilo town for another one-year term of office I thank you”
In his account of achievements before he was re-elected, Mayor Shamalaza divulged that about eight (8) Council meetings were conducted and 79 resolutions were passed and council minutes are available from the office of the Chief Executive Officer for public scrutiny.
He added that the approval of sewer tender in the CBD will complete end of this December, at a cost of N$4 million funded by the line Ministry of Urban and Rural Development.
Five (5) toilets are planned to be constructed in Choto informal settlement and so far, one toilet is completed in Choto. Other five toilets to be constructed in Cowboy in the next financial year once funds are procured.
Tarring and upgrading of road between Katima Mulilo and Mafuta Compound some 7 kilometres away the town of Katima Mulilo was done with collaboration with Roads Authority with memorandum of understating to maintain roads in the town.
The construction of water infrastructure at extension 23 and 24 at Lwayaha, was completed and handed over to the Council by the contractor in August 2021.
The construction of water pipeline networks at newly settlement at NOVA informal settlement is among the successful projects of the Katima Council embark on.
The long outstanding debt of water bill with the Namibia water utility company, Namwater has been reduced from N$28 million to N$16 million, he said due to the out-break of the pandemic COVID 19 in March 2020, with directives by the mother ministry to supply and allow free consumption of water to the residents his council was unable to settle the debt.
The Katima Council has secured a new dumping site from the Mafwe Traditional Authority at Liselo area, after the council stayed for 6-months without a dumping site after the old dumping site located behind Meatco did not meet the compliance from the Office of the Environmental Commissioner.
This year the office of the mayor visited the embassy of Germany, Zambia, Japan, China and England in Windhoek to request for support and donations to provide quality service.
He however, urged the business community to help his council as it is unable to deliver services due to lack of land, and the council is embarking on extending its town boundary to provide affordable housing.
The sewer over-flow in the vicinity of the town center still remain a challenge for Katima Mulilo town to keep it clean.

