Abraham Lincoln: Inspirational Life Quotes that are Really Worth Listening || BOOK OF QUOTES

Abraham Lincoln! Nicknamed Honest Abe or Abraham's Father, Lincoln was, by far, one of the most powerful and greatest presidents America has ever witnessed. Rising from humble beginnings and humble beginnings, it was his determination and honest efforts that led him to the highest office of the country. An astute politician and capable lawyer, he played an important role in the unification of the states.
Leading from the front, he played an important role in removing slavery from the state, ultimately giving people equal rights, regardless of caste, color, or creed. He not only envisioned but actually brought to the forefront a truly democratic government led by the concept of 'by the people, of the people and for the people.'
This video is the best quote from Abraham Lincoln and we hope this quote can inspire you to many things in your life.
