Abiriba nmaju


Abiriba is a unique kingdom with a rich culture and history. It is one of the oldest monarchies in the south-eastern part of Nigeria, Africa. The kingdom of Abiriba is made up of three communities namely Ameke, Amaogudu and Agborji. It operates on a tripodal system where the Eze of each of the three communities come together to form the Enachioken-in-council with the Eze Ameke as Enachioken on the basis of first among equals. Succession to the throne of Eze Abiriba, Eze Agborji and Eze Amaogudu are hereditary.
At the turn of the 20th century, modernization of the urban areas in the Southern Nigeria created a demand for the educated and skilled workers and created a change in the social and economic dynamics vis-à-vis the uneducated traders. The influx of educated wage-earners and the fear of social and political deprivation, compelled the minority traders with the help of some educated indigents to form collaborations for legal assistance, social and economic control. As a result, many ethnic improvement unions were formed between 1916 and early 1960 including the Abiriba Communal Improvement Union which was established in 1941.
Abiriba Communal Improvement Union (A.C.I.U.) as a body was formed to create social and economic development in Abiriba as well as serve as a voice and a sense of identity for Nde Abiriba on a foreign land. The vision of the founding fathers of this union was unprecedented and their foresight guided the choice of the motto: “self- help is the sure path to freedom, peace, unity and harmony among Abiriba people”. Its objectives are to promote the general welfare of the people of Abiriba through the efficient, effective, relevant and economical governance. The union has an established constitution and conventional rotation for electing its central executive board. The role of the board is to supervise and control all programs, projects and activities while putting the people’s needs at the core of its development agenda. The office of the central executive board serves as the coordinating body with a goal to maximize the resources and revenue generation as well as the effective implementation of development plans, programs to ensure accountability, equity and integrity.
From ACIU site aciucentral.net/our-story

