A scientist made rats eat an American diet

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Пікірлер: 214

  • @kyraw549
    @kyraw54910 күн бұрын

    The rat experiment literally mimics my experience. I grew up on a well-balanced diet and fell into junkfood during college and gained weight. When I went to lose weight, I decided to cut out junkfood. The first thing I noticed was that I was no longer hungry. When the option was healthy / whole food, etc I would think "I'm not hungry" and skip the meal. Worse, when I planned a cheat meal once a week on saturday, suddenly I was STARVING, I "needed" that cheat meal and often by Thursday I'd give in. I had to eliminate cheat meals & force myself to eat healthy meals 3 x daily even when I wasn't hungry to lose weight. It's scary what these foods have done to us.

  • @gypsy547
    @gypsy54720 күн бұрын

    Consider this…processed food isn’t made by a chef, it’s engineered by a chemist

  • @jyc313
    @jyc31326 күн бұрын

    There's truth to this. I can eat the same amount of fast food vs. whole, home cooked food and feel way less satiated and less full with fast food even though it contains more carbs, proteins, etc.

  • @emilyholland9321


    23 күн бұрын

    I don’t eat fast food, like burgers and fries. When I do it makes me feel really full and sick. Maybe some people grow a tolerance to it.

  • @btlim4316


    22 күн бұрын

    The trick I use is I do not food shopping when I am hungry. Also, because I am a lazy person, I always end up cooking whatever is around the house. Since I do not buy junk food, I just end up not eating junk food. My real issue is members of my family would buy junk food and bring them home. Then I end up eating. I have enought discipline to not buy and bring them home. Not all do, but those who have that discipline can exploit it and make a rule, never buy junk food and bring them home. Wanna eat? Go to the store and buy and eat it there.

  • @jyc313


    22 күн бұрын

    Yep I rarely eat fast food. Maybe.. less than once per 3 months if even that. I do believe in the tolerance aspect of fast food, or any junk food in general. @@emilyholland9321

  • @thelaststand242


    8 күн бұрын

    its not necessarily all fast food tbh if your eating like beef or chicken or something its probably not super processed like super processed flour or stuff injected with 6 different fake sugars if you look 2/3rds the stuff you buy at the store it has fake sugars and stuff in it. Personally I think its more so that people eat to many carbs that don't burn many or turn their snack into a extra meal instead of eating something with fat in it that will sit in their stomach a while. If you check the time machine America decided fats were all bad and crap carbs were ok than we took over the obesity title. its still not healthy to eat like deep fried food but you can obviously not deep fry everything and have a more satisfying meal people tend to grab fat free snacks and pig out ect and gain weight

  • @jyc313


    7 күн бұрын

    @@thelaststand242 true. I generally buy whole produce and grains rather than the premade stuff that hides sugar and corn syrup. And yeah some fast food options aren’t too bad if you have to rely on them due to a busy schedule etc.

  • @ancillaMariae0908
    @ancillaMariae090813 күн бұрын

    In the 70s, Mom left home and went into the workforce. Home-cooked meals fell by the boards. Smoking was also an extremely common habit at that time and it kept people thin, although the downside wasn’t worth it. The rise of screens and phones instead of playing outside has also been a big factor.

  • @JI814


    11 күн бұрын

    This is probably the main cause! Also, Mom had time to discourage snacking by the family as she controlled access to food and the money which could be used to buy junk.

  • @josboersema1352


    4 күн бұрын

    Agreed. The mothers where propagandized that being a mother was lame. The usual criminal suspects funded the magazines they read and believed without question. Rather than working for your (hopefully) loving family, all the fun was to be had by working for greed obsessed company dictators and the anonymous greedy financiers who help them into the saddle. This they where of course not told, and did not seem to comprehend. The ruling class doubled the work force which are their servants, and broke the family, which is a win-win for them. The woman where then convinced by propaganda that it was lame that there where specific industries and jobs for men and for woman (separately), and this ignorance of economic effects which they where taught, lead them into direct competition with men, which is a competition they will loose every time a job requires strength and/or stamina, which (on the other hand) are jobs which are being replaced by machinery the most, so the effect isn't as bad as it could have been. Special woman jobs would protect women incomes. If only woman are allowed to do cleaning, and cleaning being as essential as it is, they can fetch an equal wage compared to other industries, without any need for other regulations. If only men build brick roads (which indeed, only men do, but okay it is an example), all the men compete with all the men. If woman where to enter that market (by regulations for example), they just cannot produce the same amount of road and that has to mean that they earn proportionally less per hour, even though they put in the same or even greater proportion of their maximum effort, but their bodies do not produce the same amount, and that is what a business has to deal with in the end, and what the payment represents. The woman hence get paid what they end up being worth to that production, and this would be like a lazy man worker, in such a muscle intense job as laying brick roads. Hence the woman have basically ruined their own lives, because they read womans magazines full of ignorance. The magazines played to their pride, played to some sense of righteousness, and in the worst cases all the men where being seen as oppressors of woman, when in fact it is a rather small amount of evil men who control more and more of the land and the wealth who are the evil ones who try to enslave everyone. Example: to bake bread (at least I found out), in an efficient way, you have to be around the dough for many hours, even if you do nothing with it. I imagine that making bread is a little bit like raising children: you may not have to look at them constantly (well...), but you need to be around them, you need to be there, you need to check up on them every now and again. The mother at the house is perfect for this. Sure, the father at the house can do that also, but it is natural for the heavy muscle jobs to be done by the man (in the field), and the woman gives milk to the babies and this way gets into the just as tiring and demanding jobs at the house. Then when the woman was at the house minding all the many things there, the baking of bread just slips in there naturally. A good method of bread making involves folding the dough, for example every hour, and then eventually to bake it when it looks ready (simplified). It is a small job, but if you leave the house for hours to work outside, it suddenly becomes difficult. Hence they started buying bread instead. There is an argument that home appliances made womens jobs easier and so they could work outside, but the same could be argued for mens jobs outside the house also becoming easier by technology. The benefit of the technology however, does only partially go to the population. The main benefit goes to the land owners (etc). If he doesn't need you because he has machines, you can go home and die for all he cares. You have no economic position to benefit from the machines, because you are a tool yourself. You failed to understand economics sufficiently, and set up your nation correctly with land for all, and now poverty and death will be the reward befitting your ignorance. The woman then had less and less time to make good food, and even if they had enough time in total, they may not be there to mind the little steps in the food making process anymore. The advertizers also found out how to manipulate womans minds, so that the woman would imagine to herself that she had put love into a bake, just because she added an egg to a pre-existing mix for a cake. The men who are not in the evil ruling class, let all this happen without much of any opposition. The men and woman who see through it are so few and far between, it makes no impact. Nothing can compete with the _one eyed monster with the thousand lying tongues,_ the Television, or the subservient attitude people have toward the rich and greedy, or those they feel have the power. It is interesting for example, how the woman did not get angry at their work in the family being degraded by feminist propagandists, as if this work was less somehow, or not important, and they also seemed to accept just fine that the men who where often working themselves to death in the factories to support their families with what little money the criminals would give them for it, where now being accused of being oppressors of woman, just because it was the norm for the man to set the signature on some contract, which should be a trivial issue in a good marriage. So we see how the ruling class has tried to create anger in the woman against their husbands, to then coax them into a life of slavery which they didn't realize was the real world outside. What we can perhaps loarn is how valuable the woman in the house is to the health of everyone, now that it is not entirely lost, but diminished greatly. If you read correctly the above, this isn't even an argument about how woman _should_ be home. It is an argument to place great value on a woman who is taking the jobs at home, and for those who work outside the home to have their own industries so that they can get the value for the work they deserve. Everything is like upside down. The feminist want equal pay so they claim, but it is exactly their ideas which ruin this equal pay, because they look down on specific jobs for woman. Is cleaning to be looked down upon ? Basically, the feminists seem to hate woman, destroying their industry, destroying their value at home, and pushing them toward a life of underpaid service to the rich and greedy and the criminals in the top. Result: a lot of sadness and disease everywhere. The criminals in the top love it though, so this will not stop soon. It is interesting to notice that in a good marriage as it used to be, the man works for the money, and then gives it to the wife to spend. The man and the woman exactly earn the same, because they are a unit. In cases where the man is at home and the woman works outside, it is the same. The income is to the unit of two people. There is no difference, there is no fight between them. Conclusion: stop reading anything which is funded by the rich and greedy, which is everything where you see company advertizers or other suspect financiers behind it. They serve their own interests, while pretending to care about you. P.S. Another big reason for the bad eating of today, is that this type of food was just not available. It wasn't produced. To the degree that it was produced, it was very expensive. They just didn't have the money for it. In that sense, these problems are not due to propaganda and politics, but simply because it became possible due to the rise in technology. The people _choose_ to eat unhealthy. I guess it is multiple factors coming together. 1. It became possible. 2. The propaganda systems became extremely refined in the last century. 3. Technology made house work much easier, freeing up a lot of time there. 4. People usually do not understand economics and therefore accept landlessness as normal (which is a great sickness of society), which meant work outside the house did not benefit from technology for most people. This meant woman could be pulled outside of the house and into the field work, mostly as lower productivity and hence lower paid lesser workers, because that is how a market has to work based on productivity. 5. A wicked ruling class, which existed due to the general immorality in the people, but who gained their power mainly thanks to the incorrect economics being deployed. 6. Lots of other things too. I think all these things are still developing. It has the potential to become much worse. For certain these developments will cause World War 3, which has already started. The family will be more and more destroyed, people will be more and more enslaved. It will continue until they start to resist and do better. The entire gay madness is also part of all this. It serves multiple angles. It is a fake victory given to the left (labor) organizations, to keep them docile. It damages the family, it damages social relations, friendships, between men and men, woman and woman, because there is this sudden risk of crazy behavior. It starts up a group of people who cannot have children and who will mess with the healthy family mode of living. Some will be creating alternatives which will likely be damaging to children. The criminal ruling class will keep pushing and pushing, until they reached their end goal, which is total and absolute control. They want the power to kill anyone and in any amount, and to inflict pain in any amount, so that they can force the people to do anything, even to the point of suicide. They want the same control over humanity, as humanity has over chickens. This is their unwavering goal. They will only give it up, once we have destroyed them entirely.

  • @jasonl3254
    @jasonl325425 күн бұрын

    I agree 100%. I feel this weird lack of satiety eating something like a burger from McD, but I feel satisfied eating a nice home cooked meal. Now, I prefer eating at home over eating out. Another surprisingly upside of eating at home is that I save so much money. I didn't realize eating out was so expensive!

  • @jaktripz64


    25 күн бұрын

    This is becoming harder to justify. Whole foods have risen in price (THANKS FCKING BIDEN) so drastically, that the price for eating out VS preparing your own food has become MUCH closer. Of course, the nutritional value will never be even close to equal!

  • @babysisdolls3336
    @babysisdolls333623 күн бұрын

    seed oils ----artificial sweetener-----soda

  • @btudrus


    19 күн бұрын

    you forgot fructose/sugar...

  • @HelenEk7


    15 күн бұрын

    Or; ultra-processed foods.

  • @btudrus


    15 күн бұрын

    @@HelenEk7 or: vegan "foods"...

  • @garyfrancis6193
    @garyfrancis619320 күн бұрын

    It’s trying to replace a lack of love with a feeling of being full. Feeling bloated does not satisfy the hunger for spiritual comfort.

  • @HelenEk7


    15 күн бұрын

    None of the rats in the experiment he described ate because they lacked love.. They ate more because the food was ultra-processed.

  • @OGPedXing
    @OGPedXing19 күн бұрын

    I agree, although one of the example "bad" foods given was bacon, which is a whole food, very minimally processed (cured with salts). I just had breakfast consisting of only 4 slices of bacon and a small glass of whole milk, and i am very sated, likely until dinner time. I skip lunches all the time because I feel no need to eat. The key elements of processed foods are highly refined carbohydrates (flour, sugars) and seed oils.

  • @thelaststand242


    8 күн бұрын

    well I don't think logic applies fully from the study obviously you give people goodies and they go hog wild granted the empty carbs aids the hungry feeling. When Bacon fat will actually slow it down people with no restraint going to go wild on goodies especially if theirs empty garbage food that lacks actual nutrition. You can see it works that way with people just the same but I did do keto a while the fat defiantly takes some of the hunger away and the sugar spikes that makes you feel hungrier. So restraint is obviously first than don't put trash in front of yourself.

  • @thomasreasoner6253


    6 күн бұрын

    Bacon is a processed meat and is classified by the World Health Organization as a Group 1 carcinogen, meaning that the evidence is overwhelming that it promotes cancer.

  • @billthomas8994


    Күн бұрын

    Evidence is emerging that you’re much better off with such processed meats than with carb and seed oil laden junk if you don’t have the time or money to prepare and eat unprocessed meats such as steaks. Don’t eat pork so I’ll eat quality beef hotdogs and quality turkey bacon when I need something fast.

  • @wyleecoyotee4252
    @wyleecoyotee425218 күн бұрын

    There's an overabundance of accessible junk foods

  • @dawnelder9046
    @dawnelder904621 күн бұрын

    The nuts are covered with seed oils.

  • @slsilver481


    18 күн бұрын

    I buy dry roasted

  • @ParticlePhysics321


    18 күн бұрын

    Eating nuts is way less polyunsaturated fat than consuming foods fried in seed oil. Nuts are not bad for you. Probably wouldn’t do an all-nut diet, but the dose makes the poison for any compound.

  • @SquirrelHill


    17 күн бұрын

    Supermarkets have two different sections where they sell nuts. The snack section has the nuts covered with seed oils. The produce section has raw, plain nuts with nothing added.

  • @petercyr3508
    @petercyr350821 күн бұрын

    Constant intense hunger is because we block fat burning by consuming glucose (carbs) we do not need. Your liver makes all the glucose you need. Any you eat is extra and blocks fat burning. This makes you try to run on glucose alone resulting in an energy deficit and constant hunger. In the meantime, all the fat and excess carbs you eat are stored as fat which you can never burn as long as you keep eating the carbs.

  • @dawnelder9046


    21 күн бұрын

    Add in seed oils which harm the pancreas and you cause real issues.

  • @ianstuart5660


    21 күн бұрын

    Exactly, too bad it's so poorly understood!

  • @benjamindo8142


    20 күн бұрын

    What you're trying to say is constant insulin release & high content blood.

  • @KP99


    18 күн бұрын

    I know this, and supposedly the solution is the keto diet, where most of the food consumed is fat, some protein, and virtually no carbs. But that seems so limiting. What fat foods can you eat? I know avocados, nuts, etc., but the variety tiny. And our primitive ancestors didn't only eat fat. So I wonder if that's the answer.

  • @ianstuart5660


    18 күн бұрын

    @KP99 I'll tell you first hand that it is the solution. Keto or Carnivore are both extremely healing and reverse all manner of illnesses! The foods consumed may be more limited than standard diets, but preventing diseases like diabetes, cancer, and dementia is much more critical than any limiting of food choices!

  • @ClassicJukeboxBand
    @ClassicJukeboxBand19 күн бұрын

    We know what causes people to overeat. Fructose, is the sweet sugar that stimulates your appetite and causes metabolic energy depletion to prepare you for a famine. Fructose is most certainly the main factor, but there are many others too like seed oil consumption and low vitamin D levels, just to mention a few...

  • @lanazak773


    16 күн бұрын

    Makes sense; glucose/dextrose seems to be less addictive (also less sweet) than fructose.

  • @jgreen9361


    10 күн бұрын

    … and other things that have been shown to make you over eat are, modern food emulsifiers, animal fats, dairy fats, high sugar drinks, low fibre refined foods, foods coated with an isotonic sauce (for example high salt, high sugar ketchup, ranch sauce, salted caramel deserts etc.)

  • @thisisstupid956
    @thisisstupid95621 күн бұрын

    Your stomach shrinks when you stop eating so much and fast for a few days. You get used to eating less and you get full sooner, eating only half your usual meal. You'll lose a few pounds but your body quickly adapts and just gets by with less calories. In fact, it's the actual level of calories your body really needs. Once you achieve the ability to maintain this you'll understand just how much food is shoved in our faces and marketed to us as a product to make money, not sustain our health.

  • @Demmie-nl2qh


    20 күн бұрын

    Yup And they also monetize the diseases this creates. History will not remember this fondly. If we're allowed to have one going forward.

  • @btudrus


    19 күн бұрын

    Whether you eat lot or little has nothing to do with your stomach size. It is all controlled by hormones, especially the insulin (and leptin, because high insulin causes leptin-resistance)...

  • @nickxcore74


    18 күн бұрын

    I do a 24 hour fast every week, it does wonders for your health and weight.

  • @hilarygibson3150


    8 күн бұрын

    No. I went on a meal replacement diet, 500 calories a day. Loved it because it took food noise away. According to that theory, I should have been happy with less good. The reverse happened and I craved food and as happens at the end of most diets, I put weight back on.

  • @andreamarr7213
    @andreamarr721320 күн бұрын

    Another interesting study done by behavioral psychologists was the “lazy rat study.” Turned out that the lazy rat and the highly motivated and energetic rat were actually the same rat, just their environment was manipulated. Similar to the “ greedy rat study.”

  • @msmith3395


    4 күн бұрын

    In the end we are still just a rat in a cage. :)

  • @helea426
    @helea42619 күн бұрын

    As I’m watching this in the UK there’s a TicTok advert on junk food. It seems the algorithm on media are controlled by big junk food industries for profit against health.

  • @duncanbeard9460
    @duncanbeard946010 күн бұрын

    People in the 70's ate sugar, cake, sweets etc but very few got fat. We all ate potatoes & bread. Modern high-yield dwarf wheat is probably partly to blame. Also I heard that the way bread is made from wheat has also changed as the dough is not proved overnight but forced in a few hours. I envisage a future where fast food & pizza companies in particular are sued for selling people bad food.

  • @MrGchiasson
    @MrGchiasson21 күн бұрын

    My 1962 school yearbook...pre-school to 12th grade..teacher & faculty.. I checked every photo..avg. size school. Maybe 15 'chubby to fat' kids...5 obese. That's it. The rest...fit. Lots of outdoor play & sports. Hiking, sailing, games. I'd eat 'home-cooked' meals and maybe go out for a hamburger every other weekend. We were not addicted to processed foods yet... From the mid 1960's..Our food & nutrition have been corrupted and manipulated.

  • @nunyabidness3075


    21 күн бұрын

    lol, I tell people about this all the time, and it’s amazing the angry pushback I get. It’s not just food, it’s screen time, and it’s idiot culture change.

  • @MrGchiasson


    21 күн бұрын

    @@nunyabidness3075 we stopped talking and just quietly "do what we know to do". The people who laugh at you today could be attacking you for your supplies when shtf.

  • @hilarygibson3150


    8 күн бұрын

    ​@nunyabidness3075 whilst not disagreeing, it's also jot the whole story. I was born in the 69s, been around 195-205 lbs my entire life. My mum born in the mid 20s weighed exactly what I weigh all her adult life. I don't know my maternal grandmother's weight, born 1890s, but looking at a photo of her, she is what you would call in the North of England, a hefty lass. I find it difficult to believe that there isn't a genetic component to weight

  • @nunyabidness3075


    8 күн бұрын

    @@hilarygibson3150 No, I totally get it. When I was a kid, you knew most heavy people were heavy because it was in their genes. They looked heavy, but not really unhealthy. This whole thing seems unfair to naturally heavy people, who used to get unfairly treated by jerks, but now get lumped in with the people with poor habits.

  • @paulfitzgerald1466
    @paulfitzgerald146621 күн бұрын

    What about changes in background activity levels?

  • @billthomas8994
    @billthomas8994Күн бұрын

    A camper van with a kitchenette and fridge would’ve helped tremendously

  • @dominiqueubersfeld2282
    @dominiqueubersfeld228220 күн бұрын

    I read about 2004 in the German review Der Spiegel that the pleasure receptors in the human brain are specially sensitive to a given fat to sugar ratio in food and that food and beverage companies use this trick on purpose to make their product as addictive as possible.

  • @joelaichner3025
    @joelaichner302516 күн бұрын

    Besides a few items , real food is on the outside ring of the grocery store , avoid the middle as much as possible

  • @jonathanwaldron8230
    @jonathanwaldron823020 күн бұрын

    Day 3 no food just water. 2 more weeks until I can get some food not feeling well and it's gonna get worse here soon as the days pass.

  • @billthomas8994


    Күн бұрын

    If you can ride it out, you should stabilize soon and then fill very little hunger

  • @d1dg2
    @d1dg219 күн бұрын

    Would be interesting to do an experiment to see if slowly reintroducing healthy food would help the get back to eat them. By slowly I mean in the cheesecake case reducing the amount of sugar gradually and replacing with fruit puree for example a little bit at a time over a few months.

  • @truegrit7697
    @truegrit769719 күн бұрын

    I refuse to eat ultra processed foods. If it's in plastic wrapping, I won't eat it. I admit that I get hungry a lot - that just means I have to prepare/cook food. It's not hard, it just involves re-training yourself.

  • @RichardFeuille
    @RichardFeuille19 күн бұрын

    I’m betting those rats, when returned to regular rat food, wouldn’t eat was because they were so far above their set point that their brains were wanting them to go back to that set point.

  • @Glatty56
    @Glatty5613 күн бұрын

    You can thank the Food Pyramid for a big part of the problem

  • @seymoursmix4810
    @seymoursmix481021 күн бұрын

    junk food should be an oxymoron.

  • @fluxpistol3608
    @fluxpistol360819 күн бұрын

    Wanted to be president but couldn't figure out how to get nuts. lol

  • @ToiletPlugger
    @ToiletPlugger20 күн бұрын

    a few of my friends who had 6 packs or were thin and gave me shit for being husky/fat as a kid are now.... 250lbs! me being 250 was huge. now 250 and 300 is VERY common.

  • @claudiafahey1353
    @claudiafahey135320 күн бұрын

    More choices= more bad decisions....simple as that

  • @jimmyhvy2277
    @jimmyhvy227721 күн бұрын

    Follow the Money !

  • @greggbaker7120
    @greggbaker712017 күн бұрын

    So why is it, that,there are, pockets of slender people...in the U.S. ?

  • @frequentlycynical642
    @frequentlycynical64223 күн бұрын

    True...for the most part. There are millions of obese people where the food is traditionally cooked.....except for the use of "vegetable" oils instead of traditional oils. Super high in one lipid, linoleic acid. Boys fed lunch from an all you want to eat buffet ate significantly more French fries fried in "vegetable" oils. The satiety response is much less.

  • @Belenshares


    22 күн бұрын

    What are traditional oils? I grew up with olive oil, which is obviously a vegetable oil. I have always cooked with it, and I rarely eat out. I have never been overweight. My kids only started gaining weight when they started eating out more and especially when they left home.

  • @frequentlycynical642


    22 күн бұрын

    @@Belenshares Sigh. Olive oil is not considered a "vegetable" oil. The latter means from grains and then highly processed and loaded with linoleic acid. Olive oil is made by crushing the flesh of the olive.

  • @jg5755


    21 күн бұрын

    ​@@Belenshares Traditional fats would be tallow, lard, butter, ghee. Then there's coconut oil, avocado oil, and olive oil. Seed oils are the ones you want to avoid due to the way they are processed and due to the fact the linoleic acid content is far too high.

  • @Belenshares


    20 күн бұрын

    @@frequentlycynical642 Sigh. You could have simply clarified my misunderstanding without the condescending sigh. We are not all equally well informed in all subjects.

  • @Belenshares


    20 күн бұрын

    @@jg5755 Thank you so much for your valuable clarification.

  • @AGuitarNinja
    @AGuitarNinja25 күн бұрын

    I’m still waiting for ubi soo I can start a farm wtf

  • @BornFree0731
    @BornFree073120 күн бұрын

    What medine?

  • @lawrencehawkins7198
    @lawrencehawkins71986 күн бұрын

    "A scientist made rats eat an American diet..." Arrest him and charge him with Animal Cruelty.

  • @Blake22022
    @Blake2202219 күн бұрын

    This is exactly what i experience. I eat junk and then real food doesnt seem appetizing even when i can feel my body starving

  • @Alaski
    @Alaski19 күн бұрын

    Evolved to survive scarcity but living in an age of abundance. Food is what your great grandparents could eat, all the crap we are feed are food industry products. Eat food, not food products, learn to cook.

  • @anastasia10017
    @anastasia1001716 күн бұрын

    I dont eat fast food, soda etc .. I eat very little processed food. I try to avoid desserts/ sweets. I still gain weight. American beef and dairy is full of growth hormones. so is chicken.

  • @randylahey7343


    8 күн бұрын

    You need to limit portion sizes

  • @gangpw924
    @gangpw92416 күн бұрын

    Abundance of inexpensive food, they are engineered to taste fantastic

  • @r.sch.1505
    @r.sch.150519 күн бұрын

    I ate very healthy and very delicious for almost one year now and regained my satiety-instinct. (I also lost 25 kilos). Lately I got offered a pizza and on the smell my memory instantly craved for it. After one bite I put the pizza aside - it did not taste good to me any more. Maybe reflexes need some time to re-develop.

  • @jmcampbell05
    @jmcampbell0523 күн бұрын


  • @DLFfitness1
    @DLFfitness121 күн бұрын

    At some point it is a choice. Be aware of your choices, and the consequences.

  • @JugglinJellyTake01
    @JugglinJellyTake0120 күн бұрын

    That the super stimulus replaces a stimulus to the extent that the stimulus is no longer seen as a stimulus is astounding. That the super stimulus supplanted the stimulus even when it is *not present* is even more astounding. One of the methods in losing weight is stimulus control. That means you have no junk food in your home at all and a bowl of fruit and nuts on the table and whole foods on the work tops and in the cupboards. The power of the stimulus means the idea 'you're allowed a luxury now and again' becomes not advice of occassional reward but a nudge on the fast track back to addiction. You would never say to an alcoholic or addict 'you're allowed a hit now and again'. As they say to ex smokers 'not one more puff'. Not 'not one cigarette' but not even a puff.

  • @raybod1775
    @raybod177519 күн бұрын

    Lack of fiber, rosemary, black pepper, sugar + salt, salted nuts, dried fruit, cashews, anything corn, salty fatty snacks, over emulsified fibers, bacon all turn on my hunger.

  • @darend8896
    @darend889618 күн бұрын

    Sugar is evil. But i can't stop.

  • @brett4756
    @brett475610 күн бұрын


  • @chrisjensen9941
    @chrisjensen994120 күн бұрын

    There is no "S" in fast food......

  • @wasanthacweerathunga9819


    18 күн бұрын

    Brilliant... absolutely brilliant.... copy right it for a book title

  • @Pinkorchid72
    @Pinkorchid7221 күн бұрын

    It’s the love affair with carbs and sugar and seed oils. Even when I’m traveling, I’ll just order McDonald quarter pound patties with salt and butter on the side and I will eat 3 and be full all day long. No bread, fries, soda. Just sparkling water, tea or coffee for a beverage. I lost 60 lbs eating carnivore and look 10 years younger. Eat one meal a day…meat and maybe some cheese or Skyr and butter!

  • @KP99


    18 күн бұрын

    1 year younger? LOL!

  • @Pinkorchid72


    18 күн бұрын

    @@KP99 for real a typo…10 years

  • @chrispaulus4491


    4 күн бұрын

    I had a similar experience. Australia was easy as a carnivore. Those humans love meat. I was saved by the Turks and Greeks in central Europe. The kebab shops would sell me 500 g of meat without even asking questions. 😊 I don’t even remember seeing a hamburg in Slovakia. 🤔

  • @Mike80528
    @Mike8052823 күн бұрын

    It goes beyond just diet. There have been studies showing that even lab animals, fed controlled diets, have gained weight as have animals in the wild (not all, obviously). There's something more widespread than just an "American" diet.

  • @btudrus


    19 күн бұрын

    "controlled diets," Full of sugar, LOL.

  • @ScrewyDriverTheMan
    @ScrewyDriverTheMan8 күн бұрын

    It's the PORTIONS. Here is a DIRECT example, an immediate example of how and why, and you can even do the calculations based on prices and portions: The US portions versus portions in Japan. Just look it up for yourself, compare the prices versus portions, how much bigger it is in the US and so the reasons for leftovers and to-go at the end of dinner. Look at the size of drinks! Cups!!! Most people have no self-control in the US. They'll try to eat what's been given. Reasonable people would quit eating and "take the rest home" as it were. Japan has portions that are small, so if you want more, you order more, and are priced accordingly. I doubt many would continue to keep paying more and more just because it makes them feel like they are spending too much, which helps them stop eating.

  • @Aragorn12
    @Aragorn1220 күн бұрын

    Lion Diet is the healthiest way to eat.

  • @LoveLove-fx9hf


    15 күн бұрын

    Yes. If you’re a lion.

  • @phatmeow7764
    @phatmeow776420 күн бұрын

    according to my Murican fren the Murican food pyramid only consists of cheeseburgers, fried chicken and beer!

  • @tomcotter4299
    @tomcotter429919 күн бұрын

    Have you ever considered just.. not.. eating a chicken roll slathered in mayo for breakfast, Johann?

  • @waynerandles6126
    @waynerandles612619 күн бұрын

    Lack of exercise hasn’t helped people don’t walk to places anymore

  • @alexanderhalloran
    @alexanderhalloran22 күн бұрын

    S E E D O I L S

  • @verdi2310
    @verdi231020 күн бұрын

    Such a strange idiom. "Scientist made rats" sound like a bunch of rats became scientists for some reason.

  • @wyleecoyotee4252


    18 күн бұрын

    Man created god.

  • @banburypandora
    @banburypandora11 күн бұрын

    i loved this guy.. the math guy

  • @djgroopz4952
    @djgroopz495226 күн бұрын

    What is "an American diet"?

  • @matta9991


    26 күн бұрын

    Watched the video this clip is from. Basically it’s a high fat, high sugar, ultra processed diet. Filled with things like bacon, cheesecake, etc. Andrew argues a diet like this is more common among poorer Americans as the food in generally cheaper and more accessible due to it being processed and therefore easier to ship/store longer for companies.

  • @jamesbuchanan1913


    26 күн бұрын

    Extruded corn snaks with corn-syrup soda pop

  • @dao8805


    26 күн бұрын

    @@matta9991 The only candidate committed to making whole foods accessible and affordable for everyone is RFK Jr. It's one of the reasons I am voting for him. He wants to get to the root cause of the chronic disease epidemic that afflicts 60% of Americans, and our food supply is one of those causes. We need to clean up our food supply and the soil it is grown in.

  • @elonmusk439


    26 күн бұрын

    Corn syrup, corn oil, preservatives, and stress

  • @LauraB.335


    22 күн бұрын

    @@matta9991- nothing wrong with bacon. It’s all the other crap often eaten with bacon, such as pancakes, waffles, hash browns. It’s all the sugar, grains, processed food, and seed/vegetable oils.

  • @ScaleScarborough-jq8zx
    @ScaleScarborough-jq8zx7 күн бұрын

    Well, it’s right there in front of your face (the truth).

  • @siusiu7416
    @siusiu741620 күн бұрын

    Love the "artificial solution to artificial problem" comment.

  • @pupper5580


    19 күн бұрын

    solution to an artificial problem is to remove the 'artificial' part and start living naturally.

  • @anthonyqcolosimo5374
    @anthonyqcolosimo537418 күн бұрын

    I remember Mitt Romney ran in 2008 and he showed reporters his campaign bus. They made fun of his healthy diet items in his fridge. Little did we know Romney was right.

  • @jimbo7577


    17 күн бұрын

    romney cares a lot about himself, jut not anyone else.

  • @stevencole7331
    @stevencole73318 күн бұрын

    I rarely eat because I am hungry . With so much food that is available I suspect hunger is not a reason to eat . As suggested stress induced eating is a thing . Boredom eating . It's like smoking you like to have something in your hands and shove in your mouth like a chip . I would say I am a good addict. I enjoy the pleasure of eating . I could eat till I burst . I don't think I was ever obese but I was heavy and my blood work wasn't good and that's well after I quit smoking and alcohol . So what can I do. Limit calories seems to be the standard method but math and food will not work for me . So I entered something else . I call it extreme health consciousness. I eat as much as I want and when but it's mostly very healthy . I don't gain weight even if I over eat . Yes I exercise and that plays a part but it's basically the food I eat and how it's processed . I think for many diet restriction doesn't work so you have to change to a diet that the body does not store as much . The taste buds are not going to be happy but over time you can change that and the body will appreciate real food . I see the grocery carts of overweight people at the grocery store . It is the opposite of me . Mine is colorful and fresh . Getting people to change is like getting an addict off drugs . Government would have to regulate unhealthy consumables ( I don't call it Food ) or lawsuits on a mass scale forcing food companies to change or die . We will see that with the plastic industry soon but on a much larger scale that we saw with things like asbestos

  • @SenorJuan2023
    @SenorJuan202320 күн бұрын

    A lot of the American diet is low fiber/ low protein, which is what fills you up.

  • @thepunisherxxx6804
    @thepunisherxxx68048 күн бұрын

    Eh, idk how much you can derive from this test. Fast food tastes delicious. Its hard to make a definitive call that they couldn't stop because of internal fullness sensors or them just being excited to eat amazingly delicious food (especially for animals). People take the path of least resistance in everything. The world today is not like it was in the 70s. We have way more expensive society with both parents working. Nobody is cooking everyday every meal, esp if they have a family. There are practical reasons in our busy lifestyles people don't eat healthy. There are tons of reasons why people get overweight, but honestly I think the quick simple answer is eating bad is faster, easier, and tastes better and that's why people prefer it. It doesn't mean its right or healthy, that's just what it is.

  • @ancientwisdom-ty4nb
    @ancientwisdom-ty4nb19 күн бұрын

    Won't shock me if d food industry adds stuff to food to make people eat more. We live at a time when evil is redefined as those who produce that which harms humanity with money as motivation

  • @420blackbirds8
    @420blackbirds82 күн бұрын

    American food is like candy very bad for you and so you eat a lot of it. Asian food in many ways is like poop but it's better for you and you eat less of it and feel more full. I think eating a very diverse kind of food also changes the way your brain thinks and how you see the world emotionally.

  • @tomchristian9932
    @tomchristian993220 күн бұрын

    Bring your own food….

  • @eprofessio
    @eprofessio7 күн бұрын


  • @ScottRiddleArtist
    @ScottRiddleArtist22 күн бұрын

    So many excuses. And now we have such a disproportionate amount of obese people here in America that we don’t even know what a healthy bodyweight is supposed to look like. So there’s literally a cult that has normalized obesity. What’s the second biggest cause of cancer, according to surgeons? Obesity. I grew up in the Midwest. My parents were obese they smoked. They ate like garbage. Traditional American diet. But I was also lucky I grew up in the 70s and 80s where fast food was luxury and there was a certain socialized body type. When I got out on my own at age 20. I just knew that I couldn’t afford to get sick. Because I didn’t have Health Care and I had to take care of myself. And being a sick child. Once I outgrew my asthma, I always took care of myself. I never made a lot of money, but I always figured it out. I don’t make excuses for myself. It’s a colic mathematical equation. You figure it out. But please stop making excuses and blaming everyone else. It’s a personal choice. If you want to avoid many different diseases and remain young or younger and viable. You have to take care of yourself and, moderate.

  • @giantsr1eva


    20 күн бұрын

    @ScottRiddleArtist It’s hard to not blame the government for the obesity crisis since they are the ones who subsidize the food. They tell us what it takes to be healthy.

  • @dinhnguyen2110


    7 күн бұрын

    Your conclusions do not fit the evidence. Large populations don't just fundamentally change within a few decades. The food environment did. It would be EASIER for everyone else to believe that each individual should just "suck it up" and "sack up". That conveniently negates collective responsibility. There has to be a balance between each individual doing the best in their circumstances and society putting them in a circumstance that is feasible. I'm a manufacturing engineer. If I made a process that only 50% of floor workers could use to manufacture the end product, I don't get to blame them for my shit process that produces 50% scrap. We, collectively, as a society, own it if we create circumstances where only half of all people can resist the temptations of their food environment.

  • @giantsr1eva


    7 күн бұрын

    @@dinhnguyen2110 Exactly, people look to the government for their health and when the government lies to us about what is healthy eating, you can’t blame the individual for being unhealthy especially when the government subsidizes the food.

  • @user-iy8dh9uc7x
    @user-iy8dh9uc7x20 күн бұрын

    What ever happened to universal basic income?

  • @KP99


    18 күн бұрын

    We tried it in 2020, in the form of stimulus checks and paying people more to be unemployed than they made at their job. All it did was cause inflation. It turns out printing money out of thin air and giving it away doesn't work, since no additional value was being created in the economy.

  • @duncanbeard9460


    10 күн бұрын

    Rutger Bregman recently wrote a great book incorporating that very topic: 'Utopia for Realists'. It would be a great boon to the people of any nation that can afford to instigate it & any nation that does will be rewarded financially & with a better quality of life for all it's citizens.

  • @chrisvielle6629
    @chrisvielle662921 күн бұрын

    Same answer to why we have obesity is same as when it started. Accessibility to food.

  • @chrishiggens9225
    @chrishiggens92258 күн бұрын

    I wouldn't call 11 % obesity when you were born as quite rare. Thats i in 9 people being obese. Hardly rare, just less common.

  • @dudea3378
    @dudea3378Күн бұрын

    Man I hated on this guy so hard after that one very questionable TED talk, but he is 100% on point here.

  • @drjlrust
    @drjlrust21 күн бұрын

    I loved the part about the rats diving into the cheesecake. Also, I remember the 1970s very well, and it was shameful to be overweight then. The impression was that you just had no self-control.

  • @vlastajurcak2585
    @vlastajurcak258518 күн бұрын

    I am listening to this podcast and I feel terrible! Currently cruising on Norwegian cruise from Vancouver to Japan. Most of passengers are Asian. None of them is obese only American are. Why?

  • @jimmycain8669
    @jimmycain866920 күн бұрын

    Organic pasture raised eggs and organic grass fed and finished beef are 95% of what I eat and water is what I drink. No snacks or alcohol ever.

  • @garyfrancis6193
    @garyfrancis619320 күн бұрын


  • @calivalley9056
    @calivalley905621 күн бұрын

    Sugar/carbs/processed food, is the problem. Three meals a day is not evolutionary correct for humans. Whole Foods, high fat/med protein, that’s all you need. Get off the blood sugar roller coaster.

  • @glennshrom5801
    @glennshrom580113 күн бұрын

    I feel discriminated against as an American. There is no such thing as an American diet. Americans, about 350 million of us, are very different regarding what we eat, from person to person, from family to family, and from place to place. Any diet chosen to be labeled an American diet is only a small subset of the many different diets found all across America. He is using a stereotype that I find offensive. What I and my co-workers and family eat is not what was being fed to those rats.

  • @dao8805
    @dao880526 күн бұрын

    The only candidate committed to making whole foods accessible and affordable for everyone is RFK Jr. It's one of the reasons I am voting for him. He wants to get to the root cause of the chronic disease epidemic that afflicts 60% of Americans, and our food supply is one of those causes. We need to clean up our food supply and the soil it is grown in.

  • @natashatomlinson4548


    23 күн бұрын

    Too bad Kennedy is a total nutcase - but if he keeps the bigger nutcase Trump out then go for it

  • @joanstepleton1637


    22 күн бұрын

    Nope. Still a crappy candidate. I have not heard him talk about that. I do know he is a sex addict and a serial philander, a Trump sympathizer and his family campaigned against him. I don’t care about his fake food takes.

  • @julienfroidevaux1143


    21 күн бұрын

    He was to sane and sensible to be president . Americans want Hollywood productions and entertainment .

  • @kingofthedots3835
    @kingofthedots383520 күн бұрын

    Its considered recreation .......Americans need to recreate 24 /7 babay 😂😂😂.......

  • @doodlemecrzy8075
    @doodlemecrzy807520 күн бұрын

    My training is in food science & chemistry. If you ask me what's my main diet, it's mostly cooked food. I avoid cakes, cookies and chocolates. If you ask me what I drink I tend towards just plain water and unsweetened tea. Processed meats contains nitrites , ~ 30% or more fat, high amounts of salt and preservatives. Modern bread has more sugar than necessary, has got stabilizers and preservatives. Let's not even go into energy drinks....... Given the choice of corn flakes vs fresh corn, I will go for a freshly steamed corn with a dob of butter + a glass of non flavored non sweetened farm fresh pasteurised milk. Over this 100 years our diet has far evolved beyond what we had been eating for thousands of years and we also tend to over supplement vitamins in this modern day and age. The lack of labor in many jobs & the ease of modern life has also contributed to excessive calories. My colleagues in the food industry have no malicious or conspiratorial intent, we are just normal folk earning a paycheck. However if you want to lead a much healthier life, my advice is to learn to cook and prepare fresh meals with minimal & simplistic seasoning, cut the sauces & use fresh ingredients. Exercise often and drink plain water instead of the fancy sugared + flavored coffees/teas. You will save a lot of $ on unnecessary payments.

  • @gglen2141
    @gglen214121 күн бұрын

    I was looking at some film from the 80's and immediately noticed the absence of grotesquely fat people. Like boys and girls with rolls of fat and back boobs.

  • @ianmackenzie686
    @ianmackenzie68620 күн бұрын

    Too much food (not bad in itself but a blessing) too little self discipline (a bad thing)

  • @BabyGirlDontEvenPlay
    @BabyGirlDontEvenPlay23 күн бұрын

    Ive literally never had a problem with American food. This constant complaining about it says to me that "good food" doesn't put anyone in a better mood.

  • @billthomas8994
    @billthomas8994Күн бұрын

    Up till about the mid 70s gas stations were just that…a station to buy gas. Now they’re all food stores with wall-to-wall carb and seed oil laden crap. Even if you don’t go into the store the gas pump blares cheesy “news” and crap food ads. One huge advantage of going EV is avoiding this nonsense. Fast food outlets were sparse and for the occasional treat. Fast food generally was healthier as well with McDonald’s fries fried in tallow. Going back even further into the 60s McDonald’s used to make their fries in store from whole potatoes.

  • @tshandy1
    @tshandy121 күн бұрын

    No one makes you overeat. Just stop. Stop overeating. Stop sitting on the couch. Stop consuming. Go do something like take a walk. This is why financially successful people aren't (as a general rule) fat. Because they have self control and so many of the fatsos (who also happen to be poor) don't have this self control. The lack of such basic discipline causes a ripple of negative consequences, from being obese to being overdrawn.

  • @cecee3480


    19 күн бұрын

    Plenty of successful people are overweight. I’d say a lot of them are. A lot of times the only ones that aren’t are the ones who’s jobs revolve around their looks. At least here in the US. Success/ Money doesn’t equal skinny.

  • @Monaleenian


    19 күн бұрын

    ⁠​⁠@@cecee3480There is a clear correlation between BMI and income/wealth. Words like “plenty” add nothing to the conversation.

  • @cecee3480


    19 күн бұрын

    @@Monaleenian Maybe that’s for women because most wealthy men are not in shape.

  • @RichardMin
    @RichardMin26 күн бұрын

    I am saying that EXTREME TAXES on animal agriculture in the USA (and all advanced nations 😜) with getting rid of animal agriculture (cows, pigs, chicken, fish, seafood, etc.) as the final goal. READ: Get rid of the animal agriculture! Yes, lobbyist for the animal agricultures will have a fight (for business and politics), but you have to start somewhere. For my part, I will do VC (venture capital) with a plant-based foodtech and ESG since I'm not a politician. Haha. THAT should be Andrew main point (and I support his Universal Basic Income plan, too.) I'm a Whole Food Plant-Based vegan. I started for WFPB eating for my health for my stroke and aphasia (I got buried down on research, studies, and evidence-backed videos for ~8 years DAILY), but animal cruelty, environment (for example, environment crises) and pandemic were not far behind. I'm morally and ethically satisfied and it does give me a sense of purpose with this.

  • @jg5755


    21 күн бұрын

    Far more animals die in much more cruel ways to grow all of your plant foods. That alone makes it unethical.

  • @RichardMin


    21 күн бұрын

    @@jg5755 That's not true. You can deal with that, but I want extreme taxes on animal agriculture (I hope that Andrew does as well). You could deal with your ridiculous claims all you want. It makes no difference to me. You could buy the animal agricultures (meat, fish, chickens, etc.), but you will have to pay EXTREMELY for it. Haha. That will solve most everything... in terms of substantially, saving the world. It covers all things including basic animal rights, environmentalism, and the even heathside of things, which what people fight for, unfortunately.

  • @cecee3480


    19 күн бұрын

    I feel good after eating foods like steak and eggs. After eating salads I’m in pain and carbs make me pass out. Meat isn’t what makes people fat.

  • @RichardMin


    16 күн бұрын

    @@cecee3480 Whole Food Plant eating/diet is what you should on. Vegan is misnomer. "Vegan", largely, stop animal cruelty and animal right movement. Veganism is NOT EQUAL to being heathy. "The only diet that real works - totalistically and completely - across different age group, across different society, for the most number of years is a eating on the whole food plant-based diet. Period." (Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Cornell University, PhD. Author of “The China Study”, )

  • @nickprafke6664
    @nickprafke666425 күн бұрын

    Breaking news people like to eat things that taste really good.

  • @ohsweetmystery


    24 күн бұрын

    And most modern people have awful senses of taste and smell.

  • @jg5755


    21 күн бұрын

    And junk food is manipulated via carbohydrate and fat content to cause you to overeat and crave more. No natural foods contain carbohydrates and fats in the same proportions as those found in highly processed foods.

  • @jesusmtz29
    @jesusmtz2923 күн бұрын

    Go to any country and you’re horribly on the go. It’s I believe more about culturally not having self control. I can be on the run, eat poorly and not deteriorate much

  • @shawn13mertle13
    @shawn13mertle1321 күн бұрын

    I quit eating processed food in my early 20s. I first became a vegetarian at about 37 that was on and off for about15 years. Went vegetarian completely 5 years ago. Never had a weight problem.

  • @phillipharding6610


    20 күн бұрын

    What a lie ! 😮

  • @neebinmakwah349
    @neebinmakwah34921 күн бұрын

    SUGAR 🤑