A reading by Distinguished International Scholar Wsytan Curnow

Presented by Writers Without Borders
"Writers Without Borders" features writers from around the world whose fiction, drama, poetry, memoir, journalism, and performance art demand an international - and, what's more, a globally minded - readership and response. Support for Writers without Borders comes from the Office of the Provost, supplemented by a generous start-up grant from Seth Ginns (C'00).
Wystan Curnow visited Penn and the Writers House as a Distinguished International Scholar, a program developed through the Office of the Provost which aims to promote global engagement with leading international scholars and artists. Curnow's visit included a talk on contemporary curatorial practice, recording sessions with Charles Bernstein and Al Filreis, class visits, and a capstone poetry reading on April 14th.
This program originally occurred on April 14, 2009. For more information, please visit: writing.upenn.edu/wh/calendar/...
