A PLACE IN THE SUN. Episode 3. Melodrama about Love. Ukrainian Movies

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The treason of a man she loved divided the life of Marta Raytsyna, a regular shop assistant from the small town of Vasilyevsk, into before and after. The girl was unfairly accused of murder and forced to escape her hometown. Her accidental meeting with Dmitry Parfyonov brings Marta to the capital, into the wealthy home of his father Igor Parfyonov running for the post of city mayor. Each member of the seemingly well-to-do family has their skeletons in the closet to hide. And Marta who has to live in this home under an alias will suddenly find herself in the center of a big and serious game with money, personal revenge, financial fraud and human passions mixed in.
Marta will have to overcome many trials to win back her honest name, find her true love and obtain her “place in the sun”.

Пікірлер: 1

  • @mariaelenagonzalez5024
    @mariaelenagonzalez5024Ай бұрын

    Buena la serie por favor completamente es Español
