A Japanese child play "UMATOBI"

We volunteers are conducting activities to introduce Japanese game in English to children who are studying English in Ratanakiri, northeastern Cambodia(at Ezra Vogel Special School and Rainbow Kawasaki School). As many inhabitants there rely on cash income from agriculture, Learning English is an important skill for getting a favorable job (they also learn computers in class). I want to create opportunities to have fun interacting with English.
The third movie is "UMATOBI".
カンボジア北東部・ラタナキリで英語の勉強をしている、Ezra Vogel Special School と Rainbow Kawasaki School の子どもたちに、英語で日本の遊びを紹介する活動を、有志で行っています。住民の多くが農業による現金収入に頼っているなか、英語の習得は、好待遇の職を得るための重要なスキルです(彼らは授業でコンピュータも学んでいます)。楽しく英語と触れ合う機会を作っていきたいです。
Ezra Vogel Special
/ @evs3school
Rainbow Kawasaki School
