A gerontologist's Longevity Master Plan

Breaking age stereotypes and living an unexpected life is all in a day’s work for Zora Benhamou. Tune in to hear how to hack aging, kick ass, feel great, and crush goals through menopause and beyond.
Show Notes
We all want to lead healthier lives and live longer, but the process of aging can be difficult. From ageist stereotypes to a lack of research into women's health, there are many obstacles to overcome. Thankfully, Zora Benhamou is here to help.
Zora is a 52-year-old digital nomad who has traveled to over 50 countries and speaks six languages. She is also the founder of the podcast “Hack My Age” and her messages reach over 100,000 people. Zora is currently completing her master’s degree in gerontology from the University of Southern California. Her mission is to disrupt age stereotypes and to do this by living an unexpected life.
On today’s episode, Zora discusses her life as a digital nomad, as well as her decision to live a minimalistic lifestyle with her husband, focusing instead on experiences. She also discusses why ageism is implicit and how it affects our health. We also talk about ​Zora's mission to disrupt age stereotypes and to do so by living an unexpected life.
What's Next?
What are your views, comments or questions on minimalism and defying stereotypes? Share them with us at info@seniorityauthority.org!

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