A Flicka of Hope a 'Donkeymentary'

This is a documentary about The Flicka Foundation Donkey Sanctuary in Mabe Cornwall. The Sanctuary was founded in 1995 by Mary Berryman in the Midlands and is now home to over 100 donkeys.
While making this documentary, we found out that the French Poitou bread of donkeys are more endangered that the red panda which we feel is an important piece of information to share.
The Flicka Foundation is currently raising funds to build a hospital onsite so that sick animals don't have to travel over an hour away to be seen/treated. Instead they will be able to stay on site at the sanctuary in a familiar location with their friends. www.flickafoundation.org.uk/h...
To find out more about The Flicka Foundation and what they do visit their website: www.flickafoundation.org.uk

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  • @monicaaron8265
    @monicaaron8265 Жыл бұрын

    L-a cărat pe fiul ÎMPĂRATULUI ÎMPĂRAȚILOR .... așa a intrat IISUS în Ierusalim .... pe măgăruș .... are el Sf. Cruce ....are.....😊

  • @monicaaron8265
    @monicaaron8265 Жыл бұрын

    Super laptop ....😂😂 unde ați găsit ferma măgarilor 😂😂 este " OSTENITORUL " care duce poverile .... deloc ușoare ..... aoileu , DOAMNE ....😂😂