A flagship of science and culture in Gotha - Gotha Research Library (University of Erfurt)

The Gotha Research Library is one of the most important historical libraries in the German-speaking world.
Together with the museum collections at Friedenstein Palace, the Secret Archives, the former ducal apartments, the vast park landscape and the palace complex, it forms a unique ensemble.
For 375 years, books have been collected, organised, read, preserved and researched in the library.
The rich book treasures enable new discoveries to be made continuously. The library preserves more than 700,000 printed works, numerous manuscripts and, in addition, the maps of the important cartographic publishing house Justus Perthes Gotha and a large collection of letters of German emigrants to America.
Another highlight of the library are the two objects that were declared UNESCO World Documentary Heritage in 2015:
An arabic manuscript from the oriental collection and Luther's writing on the freedom of a Christian.
The Gotha Research Library is a fascinating place for me.
People come to the library who are curious, who want to dive into the world of old books and who enjoy learning, researching and exchanging ideas with each other.
Library on the History of Knowledge and Culture in the Modern Era:
