A Conversation about habitat with Jim Ward. Part 10: Pollinator field, cool season grass, oak trees

This is the 10th in a series of videos comprising a discussion between Jim Brauker and Jim Ward while walking Jim Ward's 137 acre south central Indiana whitetail property. We will be releasing these videos in sequence during 2022-24. We were joined on this day by a young habitat consultant named Colin Koskinen.
This video continues the series with a discussion about Jim's PERFECT FOOD PLOT and pollinator field that contains layers of perennials and massive amounts of cover. So many books, magazines, and consultants focus on food plots as a central theme in deer property management but they are NOT the most important thing. In order to have an optimal deer hunting property, cover and the associated browse are the most important thing. Food plots are useful but not necessary. Cover is absolutely necessary to good habitat. But food plots are useful for attracting deer and so we discuss how to properly design food plots for maximal daytime use.
We further discuss the management of oak trees. Too many landowners avoid cutting oak tress but to gtrrow good acorn producers the trees must be spread out so they have side branches that get plenty of light. The ideal is an oak savanna. Trees growing close together in a canopied woods do not produce good oak timber er and they do not produce good oacorn crops. Tor grow oak trees and acorns you must cut oak trees.
Jim Brauker is the author of the book "Extreme Deer Habitat" and the web and KZread sites of the same name. Jim focuses on education of hunters to improve their habitat on their hunting property. extremedeerhabitat.com.
Jim Ward is an expert trophy buck hunter and one of the leading deer habitat specialists in the country. Jim has spent many years traveling around the country and helping people develop their deer habitat plans and properties. Jim is no longer taking on clients but instead is focusing on his own property, the properties of his long term clients, and spending more time educating landowners. jimwardwhitetailacademy.com
Colin Koskinen was behind the camera for these videos and is the owner of a whitetail habitat consulting company called Legendary Habitat. He has worked in the field with both Jim Brauker and Jim Ward and they both recommend him for your habitat plans. www.legendaryhabitat.com
Please subscribe to this channel to see the rest of the video series as it is released.

Пікірлер: 11

  • @michaelgangadeen8013
    @michaelgangadeen80134 ай бұрын

    You guys are so entertaining to listen to. Jim is hysterical!!

  • @sandych33ks1
    @sandych33ks14 ай бұрын

    Great video. I could listen to these guys talk about deer habitat all day. Yet I was out working on my land today too.

  • @travissmith-wz5nc
    @travissmith-wz5nc4 ай бұрын

    Jim keep them coming

  • @upnorthoutdoors989
    @upnorthoutdoors9894 ай бұрын

    Good stuff, keep 'em comin'.

  • @HabitatProLLC
    @HabitatProLLC4 ай бұрын

    I remember talking with Jim about Plateau on a property in Bottineau in 2018. Being a commercial pesticide applicator I mentioned at the time how surprised I was at the rates being so low per acre and some trees being on the label, that I’d be interested to hear how those areas of canary he treated responded at his 12 oz rate. Now I know how it turned out! Yikes! Thanks for sharing your mistakes as well as victories Mr Ward! Humble to the core!

  • @kylejohnson5729
    @kylejohnson57294 ай бұрын

    Keep these videos coming. Helped encourange me to put 140 hours into my land working mostly with chainsaws this winter and just did a large frost seeding project throughout our fields and roads through the woods and where i opened up the canopy dropping and hinge cutting trees all winter.

  • @CentralMississippiWhitetail
    @CentralMississippiWhitetail4 ай бұрын

    This is awesome. Thanks..(need subtitles) ..can’t hear yall.

  • @ChilcoteForestryServices
    @ChilcoteForestryServices4 ай бұрын

    Whenever you are thinking about using any herbicide, read the label, then go back and read it again

  • @stevedenoyer5956
    @stevedenoyer59564 ай бұрын

    That old field is a pollinator blend and then Jim treats for the grasses.?

  • @travissmith-wz5nc
    @travissmith-wz5nc4 ай бұрын

    at 21:45 that perspective needs to be taught in schools.

  • @farm.moore.longleaf
    @farm.moore.longleaf4 ай бұрын

    It seems your reference to what "CH" (Craig Harper) supposedly recommended / told Jim was inaccurate. If you disagree, cite the reference. Otherwise disappointed in your quick response to chuckle and criticize a "fellow" scientist on test study actual results. Go read the research and apologize.
