A Bottle Of Vodka, Twenty Marlboro Reds And £50 Cashback, Please


This wonderful tune, sometimes just known as "£50 Cashback" is co-written by Fraser Shaw, Kevin O’Neill and John Somerville.
Fraser Shaw was firstly a lovely human being as well as a very talented piper, whistle player and composer who I’ve had the pleasure of playing with in the Port Charlotte sessions during my visits to Islay where he moved to from Glasgow in his early 20’s. In 2011 Fraser developed MS and passed away far too early in February 2015 due to progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), a rare but devastating disease.
He is sadly missed by many and there is not only a cairn on Islay, but a bench outside the Bruichladdich distillery in his memory.
In this video I'm wearing a T Shirt from the 2012 Fèis Ìsle.
