#50 | Methodist Healthcare Ministries - Jaime Wesolowski

We are beyond excited to premier our 50th episode of The South Texas Power Lunch with special guest, Jaime Wesolowski.
Our host Matt Duke, sits down with Jaime, President and CEO of Methodist Healthcare Ministries, discussing culture, leadership, and innovation within an organization. Matt and Jaime dive into building a culture driven by its mission and pushing to innovation.
Jaime's experience in growing Methodist Healthcare System and continued dedication to Methodist Healthcare Ministries is centered around a strong culture - Serving Humanity to Honor God.
We are so thankful to have reached 50 episodes of The South Texas Power Lunch and to feel the continued support of those in and outside of our community. Our goal is to Educate, Support, and Advise every small to medium-sized business and startup in South Texas, and we hope you enjoy this episode.
Be sure to follow along with Methodist Healthcare Ministries and contribute to the impact they are making on our community. www.mhm.org/
#MethodistHealthcareMinistries #MethodistHealthcareSystem #Culture #Mission #Leadership #Serve
