50-0815 - Who Is God - William Branham

#WilliamBranham #MessageOfTheHour #BrotherBranham
(Read Along Sermon)
« E-1 † Good evening. Very happy to be here again tonight to read a Scripture, and to pray for the sick and the needy.
I was very happy to hear of the great victory last night that the Lord gave. Just at the end of the service, it seemed to be that the Spirit of the Lord broke forth, came down upon the people, and there was glorious things was done for His glory. I'm very thankful for that. And it can be each night.
Some of those were on cots, and some in ambulance stretchers setting here me say... Course, they have to tell me that. I just become lost to the things myself. But God will respect the prayer of faith. He will respect people's faith who believe in Him. Don't you believe that? With all all of our heart, I believe it.
« E-2 † Now, the meetings are going on, and we're feel ourselves that we're having a--a glorious time.
I was talking to the minister brethren today. We were out this morning for just a--a--a breakfast. They taken me out. And I was very happy to get personally acquainted with many of your fine ministers from different churches. Some of them from the Pentecostal church, and some from the, I believe, Foursquare, and some the Church of God, and the Missionary Fellowship church; and all those dear brothers all together as one. That's the way we--when God can work with us, when we get like that. When ministers get their hearts together, then they'll bring the church together.
« E-3 † You know, I--I believe that when Jesus shall appear, that He will not ask us whether we belong to certain denomination of church. He's going to... We're going to be judged according to what we've done about Him in our heart.
Christianity doesn't mean somebody that belongs to a certain church; it means that somebody's been borned in the Kingdom of God. See?
Now, I know that we have denominations of churches today who deny that Blood. Why, brother, sister, if you take the Blood of Christ out of here, you--you haven't got no more than just some philosophy or something. It's the Blood that makes an atonement. It's the Blood that saves. And it's the Blood that heals. It's the Blood that cleanses. That is the real thing of God, is the Blood.
« E-4 † And I'm--I'm happy tonight to know that people still believe in the Blood (See?), the Blood of Christ. And I do not believe in this social gospel they have today, and these cults that go around saying, "Well, there's no such a thing as the Blood, and--and the Holy Spirit." You just... You're not a Christian when you do that. You can't be. You--you can't be a Christian without being borned again. That's right. You can't be, no matter what you try to profess.
But He said, "No man can say Jesus is the Christ, only by the Holy Ghost." See? If you're just taking what somebody else said, you're going by what someone said. But you'll never know it until the Holy Ghost has filled you with His Presence, and witnessed to you that He is the Holy Spirit and is right. I know you that believe that Jesus Christ the Son of God, is born in the Spirit of God. But you are only taking what somebody else said until it's a witness to you. See?
« E-5 † I remember a dear brother, belonged to the same church that I belonged to. He said, "Brother Branham, the Bible said that whosoever believeth that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, is borned of the Spirit of God."
And I said, "And it's also written: that no man can say that Jesus is the Christ, only by the Holy Ghost." See? It's all... See?
He said, "Well, if you believe it..."
I said, "You're taking what somebody else said. You've got to have a witness of that (See?), know yourself."
You're saying what mother said, what father said, what the minister said. But when He asked Peter, "Who do you say I am."
He said, "Thou art Christ, the Son of--of--of God."
He said, "Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jonas, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father which is in heaven. And upon this rock I'll build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Hold fast to the Rock. Do what's right. God will bless you.

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