5 Ways Children are Affected by a Parent's Compulsive Sexual Behavior/Porn Use

Our blog post on this topic gives even more examples and helpful information about how children are affected. Visit our website at www.tarcrecovery.com/resources to read it.
It is easy to convince ourselves that our children are not affected by sex/porn addiction or betrayal trauma in the home. Both betrayed partners as well as those struggling with sex addiction tell themselves that the children are too young to understand what's going on, too involved in their own lives to notice, or are already adults and so don't need to know. The impact of porn/sex addiction on the whole family can be subtle, but its affects can be long lasting.
By helping children (even adult children) make sense out of what is happening with their parents and with the family, a recovering addict and recovering partner can ensure children avoid the most harmful effects of sex/porn addiction. As the family heals, children are given the best chance at having an adult life that is healthy, authentic, and successful.
If you or your children have been affected by compulsive porn use or sexual behavior, visit our website to see how we can help you: www.TARCRECOVERY.com.
