5 Giant Duck, Monkey, Piglet, chicken, bear, cat, cow, Sheep, Transfiguration funny animal 2023

Фильм және анимация

5 Giant Duck, Monkey, Piglet, chicken, dog, cat, cow, Sheep, Transfiguration funny animal 2023
#animalsgames #animalscrossingfountain #animalstransformation
We will make more funny animal videos and funny games.
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Video production software: C4D, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Photoshop ...
Production team: Cartoon Animals
Video resolution: HD
© Copyright by Duck Cartoon Animals☞ Do not Reup
Thank you for your comments. With love ♥♥♥
#Cuteanimal #duckcartoon #elephant #wildanimals #cow #animalscrossingfountain #animalsgames #gorilla #dinosaur #animals #animalstransformation #cartoon #mammoth #tiger #farmanimals #lion #funnyanimals #animalssounds
Welcome to our channel! We create entertaining and engaging content specifically designed for viewers aged 13+. Our videos feature funny game animations and animal games, all crafted with care and creativity.
DECLARE: This channel and all of it's videos are "directed to everyone" with in the meaning of Title 16 C.F.R. §312.2, and are not intended for children under 13 years of age.
Our content is exclusively created for entertainment purposes. Each video is a product of 20 to 30 hours of dedicated craftsmanship, aimed at providing you with the utmost in entertainment. We sincerely appreciate your participation in this captivating journey with us!

Пікірлер: 121

  • @caongocgianhienawtnv
    @caongocgianhienawtnvАй бұрын

    Your work in educating about endangered species is commendable

  • @daohuynhtanhuynhek
    @daohuynhtanhuynhekАй бұрын

    Who else has imagined themselves as one of the animated characters, embarking on epic adventures in their imaginary world? Living vicariously through pixels!

  • @sonthanhbanghuongov
    @sonthanhbanghuongovАй бұрын

    This animation is like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day It brightens even the darkest of moods!

  • @thanthibetriq
    @thanthibetriqАй бұрын

    To anybody whos reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind May clarity replace confusion May peace and calmness fill your life

  • @huavanquochah
    @huavanquochahАй бұрын

    This animation is like a warm cup of tea for the soul It soothes and comforts with every sip!

  • @caothingocnhan1phe
    @caothingocnhan1pheАй бұрын

    That moment when the gorilla makes a friend with a butterfly Nature is amazing

  • @danhcongvinhi
    @danhcongvinhiАй бұрын

    Who else finds themselves rewatching this video whenever they need a little pick-me-up? Its my instant mood-booster!

  • @huathienanngjw
    @huathienanngjwАй бұрын

    Natural wetland protection provides essential habitats for various species

  • @luongthithuytuyennf
    @luongthithuytuyennfАй бұрын

    Who else has fallen down the rabbit hole of watching every related video after discovering this animation? Its a delightful journey!

  • @huynhhuutruongx
    @huynhhuutruongxАй бұрын

    This channel is like a wildlife adventure from the comfort of home

  • @tatrivanphungje
    @tatrivanphungjeАй бұрын

    Ive turned this animation into my digital escape Whenever life gets overwhelming, I retreat to this world of animated bliss!

  • @user-nn7me1wc1s


    Ай бұрын

    😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢🎉🎉🎉🎉😢😢😢🎉😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😮😮😮😮😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😊😊😊😊😊 Anything😊

  • @hoquockhangkhau
    @hoquockhangkhauАй бұрын

    The focus on sustainable living is informative and inspiring

  • @sonlongnhutanmy
    @sonlongnhutanmyАй бұрын

    Who else has watched this with their pets and imagined them interacting with the animated characters? Its a virtual playdate for the ages!

  • @tathilanlinh5jmq
    @tathilanlinh5jmqАй бұрын

    Otters holding hands is the cutest display of love in the animal kingdom!

  • @mangochue1pul
    @mangochue1pulАй бұрын

    This animation has become my digital happy place Whenever life gets stressful, I retreat to this world of animated joy!

  • @hohaminhh
    @hohaminhhАй бұрын

    Who else has started a collection of merchandise inspired by this animation? Animated swag, anyone?

  • @luuhoangphucnhiz
    @luuhoangphucnhizАй бұрын

    The panoramic shots of landscapes are stunning

  • @trinhthubsci7w
    @trinhthubsci7wАй бұрын

    Who knew a hedgehog could be so dramatic? Oscar-worthy performance!

  • @dangcaophuongtrammh3nxv
    @dangcaophuongtrammh3nxvАй бұрын

    That dog doing yoga with its owner is my fitness goal Also, my flexibility goal

  • @maquocdatjd
    @maquocdatjdАй бұрын

    Who else has downloaded the soundtrack of this animation and listens to it on repeat? Its like music for the soul!

  • @luuhoangannhanz
    @luuhoangannhanzАй бұрын

    Can we talk about the goat making friends with the tiger? Friendship knows no bounds

  • @tuyetkhanhduyminhs
    @tuyetkhanhduyminhsАй бұрын

    The puppys first encounter with a mirror is the most wholesome thing Ive seen all week

  • @tranganhkietg
    @tranganhkietgАй бұрын

    That sneaky octopus escaping its tank is the escape artist we should all be studying

  • @vogiatoangw42
    @vogiatoangw42Ай бұрын

    The sheer elegance of the swan chasing the dog, thinking its a competitive race, is peak comedy

  • @quachtrongnghiafd1pq
    @quachtrongnghiafd1pqАй бұрын

    Every time the penguin trips and gets back up, I feel a little bit better about my own mishaps

  • @hogiabaophanhi
    @hogiabaophanhiАй бұрын

    This video has become my personal anthem for joy Animated happiness, on repeat!

  • @hothanhnhonviwy
    @hothanhnhonviwyАй бұрын

    Ive turned this animation into my digital screensaver A constant reminder that happiness is just a click away!

  • @hothithanhchauvx
    @hothithanhchauvxАй бұрын

    The glimpses into animal intelligence are mind-blowing

  • @huangocbaochanrf
    @huangocbaochanrfАй бұрын

    Who else has watched this with their family and turned it into a weekly tradition? Animated bonding at its finest!

  • @thaithinhuanhda
    @thaithinhuanhdaАй бұрын

    Sustainable palm oil production prevents deforestation and protects wildlife

  • @hoangtraminhq8gr4
    @hoangtraminhq8gr4Ай бұрын

    This video is proof that happiness can be found in the simplest of things Grateful for these animated moments!

  • @tuquocbinhnghiia
    @tuquocbinhnghiiaАй бұрын

    This video has become my go-to remedy for a bad mood Its impossible not to smile while watching!

  • @daonhuquynhvanlf
    @daonhuquynhvanlfАй бұрын

    The first bridge brings back some satisfying memories of bottle runs😌

  • @hasoctrangthuanzn
    @hasoctrangthuanznАй бұрын

    Seeing a bunny hop through snow deeper than itself is the perseverance poster I needed

  • @trinhvankhoabuf7nj
    @trinhvankhoabuf7njАй бұрын

    This video is like a virtual hug from the internet Sending warmth and happiness to everyone watching!

  • @SonThiHuyenHanh-pj1es
    @SonThiHuyenHanh-pj1esАй бұрын

    That determined tortoise climbing over anything in its path is basically me with any obstacle in life

  • @danhminhquyaik
    @danhminhquyaikАй бұрын

    The puppy trying to howl for the first time is the cutest attempt at communication Ive ever seen

  • @danhminhtuoiij
    @danhminhtuoiijАй бұрын

    Im grateful for the escape your channel provides

  • @TruongThiMinhPha-mp6ls
    @TruongThiMinhPha-mp6lsАй бұрын

    This animation is like a ray of sunshine in video form I cant stop watching!

  • @nguyenhoanghungxuyenlcfi1
    @nguyenhoanghungxuyenlcfi1Ай бұрын

    The kangaroo and the dog playing tag is the kind of cross-species friendship we all need to see

  • @thaitrannhum062
    @thaitrannhum062Ай бұрын

    Did anyone else applaud when the little mouse finally made it to the top of the obstacle? Just me?

  • @thanvukhoanhunglo
    @thanvukhoanhungloАй бұрын

    Ive declared this animation my personal mantra for happiness Its a reminder to find joy in the little things!

  • @lamvinhrspvy
    @lamvinhrspvyАй бұрын

    I love the way you bring attention to small and big creatures alike

  • @mathicamthaoxv
    @mathicamthaoxvАй бұрын

    This animation is like a digital therapy session It heals the soul with every viewing!

  • @hoangthikimmada9ns
    @hoangthikimmada9nsАй бұрын

    Ive started incorporating quotes from this animation into my daily affirmations Its like speaking positivity into existence!

  • @maducquyg
    @maducquygАй бұрын

    The artistic approach to wildlife filming is unique

  • @nguyenthituyetuyengg
    @nguyenthituyetuyenggАй бұрын

    I swear the dog smiling at the end cured my bad mood instantly Pure magic

  • @huynhtronghieuoiru9z
    @huynhtronghieuoiru9zАй бұрын

    This animation is like a treasure chest of joy Each frame holds a precious gem of happiness!

  • @trantrongnghiaphatte
    @trantrongnghiaphatteАй бұрын

    The loyalty of these dogs is heartwarming Mans best friend, indeed!

  • @tuthingocquyeneu
    @tuthingocquyeneuАй бұрын

    The seal flopping around on the beach is me trying to get out of bed on Monday

  • @nguyenhongthatthaopn
    @nguyenhongthatthaopnАй бұрын

    Never thought Id be taking life advice from a video of playful animals, yet here we are

  • @ngoquyenduyhuyyfp
    @ngoquyenduyhuyyfpАй бұрын

    The drone footage gives such a unique perspective

  • @giangquangvidiems
    @giangquangvidiemsАй бұрын

    Ive declared this animation my personal happy hour Its the highlight of my day!

  • @duongchimtouoz
    @duongchimtouozАй бұрын

    Who else has shared this with their significant other and now considers it our video? Animated romance at its finest!

  • @giangtukhanbaobm
    @giangtukhanbaobmАй бұрын

    Ive started a countdown for the next installment of this animation series Cant wait to see what adventures await!

  • @quachthienanbangyoi3mq
    @quachthienanbangyoi3mqАй бұрын

    I love how each video tells a unique story about these animals

  • @tranghoangtriquannqi
    @tranghoangtriquannqiАй бұрын

    Who else has rewatched this so many times that theyve memorized every line? Its like watching an old friend!

  • @luongthingocthanhwyvl
    @luongthingocthanhwyvlАй бұрын

    Every time I watch,

  • @tranthikhanhkhanhwb59d
    @tranthikhanhkhanhwb59dАй бұрын

    Your dedication to showcasing natures beauty is evident

  • @huynhtranhungvantliof
    @huynhtranhungvantliofАй бұрын

    That moment when the crow solves the puzzle faster than I could feeling outsmarted by a bird

  • @phamminhphatbangvc
    @phamminhphatbangvcАй бұрын

    This video has inspired me to spread kindness like confetti Animated joy for everyone!

  • @toxuanquynhc
    @toxuanquynhcАй бұрын

    The underwater scenes are my absolute favorite!

  • @hoangnguyenminhthuannas
    @hoangnguyenminhthuannasАй бұрын

    Watching this video is like a therapy session but way cheaper and with more giggles

  • @vuvangiangzn95b
    @vuvangiangzn95bАй бұрын

    The insights into animal behavior are enlightening

  • @luongthanhpqnjm
    @luongthanhpqnjmАй бұрын

    The balance between entertainment and education is perfect

  • @lynguyenkhanhhpcsnk0
    @lynguyenkhanhhpcsnk0Ай бұрын

    I appreciate the focus on conservation issues

  • @haduykhanhtruongo
    @haduykhanhtruongoАй бұрын

    The underwater scenes are like watching a different planet

  • @hoquoclinhnhjr
    @hoquoclinhnhjrАй бұрын

    The elephant painting a self-portrait is both impressive and a bit intimidating Talent overload!

  • @ngothituyetvyazd83y
    @ngothituyetvyazd83yАй бұрын

    Ive shared this with my online community, and now we have an animated animal appreciation group Join us for endless smiles!

  • @dangquocthienanhhf
    @dangquocthienanhhfАй бұрын

    You know its a good day when gsp uploads another video

  • @dinhanhkhoadanus
    @dinhanhkhoadanusАй бұрын

    That awkward moment when you relate more to a clumsy puppy than any human #ClumsySquad

  • @luthanhsuchautt
    @luthanhsuchauttАй бұрын

    This video has become my go-to remedy for writers block Its like a burst of inspiration in animated form!

  • @todinhhoango
    @todinhhoangoАй бұрын

    The sheer joy of the dog playing in the sprinkler is what I aspire to feel every day

  • @buichidaiifxxmqq
    @buichidaiifxxmqqАй бұрын

    Ive seen that clip of the dog barking at its own reflection about a dozen times, and its still hilarious

  • @tangochuynhnguyetm
    @tangochuynhnguyetmАй бұрын

    The cat trying to catch the laser pointer is all of us chasing our dreams - endlessly

  • @daoquangkhoioism
    @daoquangkhoioismАй бұрын

    The diversity of animals featured is impressive

  • @tangdieuhuylk21
    @tangdieuhuylk21Ай бұрын

    Im not a fan of reptiles, but this lizards personality won me over!

  • @trinhhuynhngoctruongop
    @trinhhuynhngoctruongopАй бұрын

    Ive turned this animation into my daily ritual Its the perfect way to start and end my day with a smile!

  • @duongthanhnhanquannu87
    @duongthanhnhanquannu87Ай бұрын

    Witnessing the friendship between the lion and the tiny dog was the plot twist of the century

  • @vonhuquynhvanzw
    @vonhuquynhvanzwАй бұрын

    Ive shared this with my colleagues, and now we have an animated animal fan club at the office Productivity has never been happier!

  • @huatrongphuccd
    @huatrongphuccdАй бұрын

    Im convinced that the dancing bird has better moves than me at any party

  • @vugiathinhphacc
    @vugiathinhphaccАй бұрын

    Who else has introduced this animation to their friends and now competes to see who can recite the lines best? Animated fun for all!

  • @ChandraKumar-bg9cn


    26 күн бұрын

    Uuuu663 19th of 99

  • @nguyentranhungz91ll
    @nguyentranhungz91llАй бұрын

    If I could get a dollar for every time I replayed the otter sliding down the mud, Id be rich

  • @luunhattuonghk
    @luunhattuonghkАй бұрын

    I feel like Im on a virtual safari with every video

  • @ngohoangthinhwc1sfw
    @ngohoangthinhwc1sfwАй бұрын

    So much respect for

  • @huynhthanhtusangsy
    @huynhthanhtusangsyАй бұрын

    And to think, all these animals are just doing their thing, unaware theyre internet stars

  • @thaithienang
    @thaithienangАй бұрын

    This is the only kind of drama I need in my life - animals being adorably silly

  • @nguyenthibichvikuq8sl
    @nguyenthibichvikuq8slАй бұрын

    Your channel is the next best thing to being there in person

  • @ngothihongtramfq
    @ngothihongtramfqАй бұрын

    Ive shared this with my entire family, and now we have animated animal movie nights Its become a cherished tradition!

  • @luuhoangkhoiib
    @luuhoangkhoiibАй бұрын

    I laughed, I cried, and then I laughed some more This video is an emotional rollercoaster

  • @huynhhoanggiakye
    @huynhhoanggiakyeАй бұрын

    This video is like a virtual field trip around the world

  • @vokieuyenthamr
    @vokieuyenthamrАй бұрын

    The owls head-turning game is so strong, it makes me question my own necks capabilities

  • @huynhdangphuongug
    @huynhdangphuongugАй бұрын

    at the making of this animation Its pure genius!

  • @tranngocyenjbzxu
    @tranngocyenjbzxuАй бұрын

    Each video is like a mini-documentary

  • @danhminhhuyloiq
    @danhminhhuyloiqАй бұрын

    The agility of these animals

  • @nguyenthibichviug
    @nguyenthibichviugАй бұрын

    animals have a fanbase as loyal as any celebrity Count me in!

  • @duonglehuynhlanndu
    @duonglehuynhlannduАй бұрын

    Is it possible to adopt that adorable bear cub that waves at the camera? Asking for me

  • @lamvonhungocp
    @lamvonhungocpАй бұрын

    i like the song

  • @vudangtruongtuyetqkelpm
    @vudangtruongtuyetqkelpmАй бұрын

    Ive mentally cast my favorite celebrities as the voices of these animated characters Cant wait for the star-studded sequel!

  • @tuyetphamthaitrang
    @tuyetphamthaitrangАй бұрын

    Why isnt there a channel dedicated to squirrels trying to navigate obstacle courses?
