5.0 Embarking on Cloud Journey: Beginners Introduction to Cloud Computing

Congratulations on reaching this milestone in your training journey! As we step into the realm of Cloud Offering, it's essential to recognize the solid foundation you've built through our previous modules-covering desktops, servers, Active Directory, Microsoft Exchange, and more. Your knowledge in these areas sets a strong base for venturing into cloud technologies.
In this introductory video, we celebrate your achievements and highlight the seamless transition from on-premises technologies to cloud offerings like IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. Understand that cloud services are essentially the same technologies you've mastered, now hosted by service providers like Microsoft in their data centers.
Join us as we embark on an exciting Cloud journey together, leveraging your existing skills to unlock the potential of cloud infrastructure. Get ready to explore cloud capabilities and discover new horizons in cloud computing!
