
I walked the entire route from Fuda-sho No1 to No34.
00:00 法性寺境内1
00:39 仁王門(撮影した日は工事中でした)
00:55 法性寺境内2
01:14 般若の面(本堂正面)
01:44 法性寺境内3
02:11 階段を上がって観音堂へ
02:35 観音堂
05:26 法性寺境内4
08:24 御朱印と御詠歌
08:33 札所32番(般若山・法性寺)から札所33番(延命山・菊水寺)への巡礼道
08:39 法性寺から秩父大神社まで
09:18 秩父大神社
09:47 秩父大神社から小鹿野町立長若小学校付近まで
11:52 小鹿野町立長若小学校付近から泉田会館付近まで
14:25 泉田会館付近から奈倉橋まで
15:26 奈倉橋から菊水寺まで
Passing through the Niomon Gate and climbing up the stone steps leads to the main hall. On the day this photo was taken, the Niomon Gate was under construction.
A "Hannya mask" is displayed at the front of the main hall.
If you go further into the temple grounds and climb the stairs carved into the rocks, you will come across the Kannon Hall built in the style of a stage beneath a weathered rock cave. The Kannon Hall was built in 1707.
辿り着かなくてはなりません。また次の機会にお参りできればと思います。Unfortunately, I did not go to the inner sanctuary this time. I'm sorry that I couldn't capture it on video.
To visit the Kannon statue (Ofune Kannon) and the Dainichi Nyorai statue, you have to go over the mountain path from the Kannon Hall to the inner sanctuary, commonly known as "Ofune Kannon," climb the rock wall, go over the chain section, and reach the huge rock "Ofune Rock," which is 200 meters long.
I hope to be able to visit again next time.
The journey from Housyou-ji to Kikusui-ji is about 7km and will take approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes.
There are no particularly large ups and downs, and the road is paved, so it should be easy to walk.
This time, I visited Fuda-sho No.32 and then I headed to Fuda-sho No.33. I hope you enjoy the beautiful Chichibu pilgrimage route.
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