【4K】Minowa Castle (Gunma) / 箕輪城 (群馬)

Walk-through movie of Minowa castle (箕輪城) that is a Japanese castle at Gunma pref. It was originally built as a main base of local lord Nagano clan, and after fall of Nagano clan it had been a most important castle of Kozuke province by warlords such as Takeda clan, Hojo clan or Tokugawa clan. Remaining remnants such as huge dry moat surrounds core area, buffer area or stone walls shows the impotance of the castle and improvement brought by each holders.
00:00 Backside Gate / 搦手口
03:30 Gate Compartment / 郭馬出
05:20 Secondary Area / 二の丸
07:00 Primary Area / 本丸
09:15 Gozen Area / 御前曲輪
15:15 Storage / 蔵屋敷
20:00 Inari Area / 稲荷曲輪
22:15 New Area / 新曲輪
26:40 Primary Area Stone Wall / 本丸下石垣
30:20 Third Area / 三の丸
32:00 Third Area Stone Wall / 三の丸石垣
35:20 Kaji Area / 鍛冶曲輪
37:30 Main Gate / 大手口
39:50 Large Dry Moat / 大堀切
