4 Day Workweek with Andrew Barnes: Thinkers50 Radar 2024

Architect and pioneer of the global 4 Day Week movement, Andrew Barnes is the founder of New Zealand’s largest corporate trustee company, Perpetual Guardian. He is also co-author (with Stephanie Jones) of 'The 4-Day Week: How the Flexible Work Revolution Can Increase Productivity, Profitability and Well-Being,' and co-founder (with partner Charlotte L. Lockhart) of 4 Day Week.
In 2018, Andrew made international headlines with his firm’s experiment, which asked employees to design a working week that would allow them to meet their productivity requirements and retain the same salary, but with a 20 per cent cut in hours.
Hear the results, and how Andrew went on to spearhead the largest ever global trials of a four-day workweek, in this LinkedIn Live session with Thinkers50 co-founder, Des Dearlove. Andrew is listed in the Thinkers50 Radar Class of 2024.
Learn more about Andrew Barnes: thinkers50.com/biographies/an...
See the complete Thinkers50 Radar Class of 2024 here: thinkers50.com/radar-2024/
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