4.3 - Understanding How Email Flow over a network or internet & Microsoft Exchange Connectors

"Welcome to our next video in the Email Messaging series, where we unravel the intricacies of email flow and Microsoft Exchange connectors. Dive into the concept of mail flow, exploring how emails traverse between SMTP mail servers over TCP 25 or secured SMTP connections.
Transitioning to Microsoft Exchange, we delve into the specifics of email flow within Exchange environments. Learn about Microsoft Exchange inbound connectors and outbound connectors, gaining insights into how Exchange manages email communication within and outside your organization.
But our journey doesn't end there. We also address the critical aspect of mail flow security, discussing our responsibilities towards email security and how to protect our email server and domain from spam and unauthorized usage.
Whether you're new to email infrastructure or seeking to enhance your understanding of Exchange connectors and email security, this video equips you with the knowledge to manage email flow effectively. Join us as we demystify Email Flow and Exchange Connectors!"

