30. Why is hybrid working an inclusivity issue?

In this episode we unpack the topic of: Why is hybrid working an inclusivity issue?. We talked with Brian Elliott, he is the co-founder of Future Forum, author of the bestseller How the Future Works: Leading Flexible Teams to do the Best Work of Their Lives
We then discuss the following with Brian:
• What does the data say on return to work and the push back from employees?
• What is the connection between inclusivity and remote working?
• What do you do when the CEO blames missed targets on remote working?
• Is Thursday the new Friday?
• Why is there resistance to remote working from senior execs?
• What are the right policies or tactics one can take?
• How do you make Zoom-based team calls effective?
• Do mandated days make sense for hybrid?
• Hybrid work: Making it fit with your diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy (www.mckinsey.com/capabilities...)
• Follow Brian on LinkedIn ( / belliott )
• How the Future Works: Leading Flexible Teams to do the Best Work of Their Lives (howthefutureworks.org/)
• Future Forum (futureforum.com/)
Brian Elliott is a seasoned executive turned leadership advisor and speaker. He's the co-founder of Future Forum (futureforum.com/) , author of the bestseller How the Future Works: Leading Flexible Teams to do the Best Work of Their Lives (howthefutureworks.org/) and one of Forbes’ Future of Work 50 (www.forbes.com/sites/jenamcgr...) . Brian’s work enables leaders to build a future of work that’s better for people and organizations.
Prior to Future Forum, Brian spent 25 years building and leading teams and companies as a startup CEO, and as an executive at Google and Slack. Brian got his MBA from Harvard Business School and BA at Northwestern and started his career at Boston Consulting Group, where he’s now a Senior Advisor.
Brian is also the proud dad of two young men and one middle-aged dog. You can find Brian on LinkedIn ( / belliott ) .
• Hybrid working and inclusion issues. 0:05 (otter.ai/u/c7S8BjUkuUZoGUuDP_...)
• Bethany discusses the challenges of hybrid working versus remote working, particularly for women dealing with intersectional issues such as discrimination and microaggressions.
• Bethany shares her personal experience of lounging in bed doing crossword puzzles while working from home, highlighting the importance of work-life balance and personal preferences.
• Bethany believes hybrid working and remote working are inclusion issues due to the disproportionate burden of child and elder care on women.
• Microaggressions and lack of privacy in the workplace make it difficult for women to consistently attend in-office days, despite inclusive work environments.
• Hybrid work and its impact on gender and privacy. 6:12 (otter.ai/u/c7S8BjUkuUZoGUuDP_...)
• Brandon M highlights the disproportionate impact of hybrid work policies on women, particularly in childcare and eldercare responsibilities.
• Bethany agrees, emphasizing the need for privacy and inclusivity in addressing health issues, suggesting that employees should not be required to share personal medical information with managers.
• Bethany and Brandon discuss the future of work with Brian Elliot, co-founder of the Future Forum and author of "How the Future Works," focusing on hybrid working and the importance of trust and connection in the new work environment.
• Brian shares his insights on the challenges and opportunities of hybrid working, including the need for leaders to adapt and learn how to manage and lead in a new way, and the importance of making connections and meeting people outside of work.
• Remote work and its future in the workplace. 11:45 (otter.ai/u/c7S8BjUkuUZoGUuDP_...)
• Brian Elliott agrees with Bethany's hypothesis that hybrid working is here to stay, and people will choose to leave jobs that don't offer flexible work arrangements.
• Brian provides data from various sources, including his own research with Future Forum, to support the idea that more companies are adopting flexible work policies and fewer people are returning to the office.
• Remote work and inclusivity in the workplace. 14:21 (otter.ai/u/c7S8BjUkuUZoGUuDP_...)
• Brian Elliott: Companies are now open to hiring remote workers, leading to more distributed teams and a need for new management techniques.
• Bethany: Inclusivity is key in hybrid work environments, with flexibility desired by historically marginalized groups.
• Brian Elliott: 59% of working moms want to work...
