3.Spark Architecture in telugu|Pyspark tutorials|

Spark is designed with a flexible architecture that enables it to handle various types of workloads and applications. Its core components include:
1. Spark Core:
At the heart of Spark lies its processing engine, which provides distributed task dispatching, scheduling, and basic I/O functionalities. It also includes APIs for defining and manipulating Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs), Spark's fundamental data abstraction.
2. Spark SQL:
This module facilitates querying structured data using SQL, integrating SQL queries with Spark programs. It supports querying data from various sources such as Hive, JSON, Parquet, and relational databases through JDBC.
3. Spark Streaming:
Spark Streaming enables the processing and manipulation of live data streams in real-time. It operates on data streams just as Spark Core does on batched data, allowing the use of similar algorithms and processing logic.
4. MLlib (Machine Learning Library):
MLlib offers a wide array of machine learning algorithms and tools that operate on Spark. It simplifies the development of scalable machine learning pipelines, making it easier to perform tasks like classification, regression, clustering, etc., at scale.
5. GraphX:
GraphX provides an API for manipulating graphs and performing graph-parallel computations. It's suitable for processing graph data structures and executing algorithms on them, making it beneficial for social network analysis and related tasks.
6. SparkR:
SparkR is an R package that enables R language users to leverage Spark's capabilities. It provides an R frontend to Spark, allowing data scientists comfortable with R to utilize Spark's distributed processing power.
Spark Architecture Highlights:
Cluster Manager: Spark can run on various cluster managers like YARN, Mesos, or its standalone cluster manager, which allocate resources across applications.
Driver: The driver program runs the main function and creates SparkContext, which represents the connection to the cluster. It coordinates the execution of jobs on the cluster.
Executors: Executors are processes that execute the tasks, managed by the driver and running on the cluster's worker nodes. They perform the actual data processing and store the results in memory or disk.
RDD (Resilient Distributed Datasets): Spark's fundamental data abstraction, representing a fault-tolerant collection of objects distributed across a cluster that can be operated on in parallel.
Memory Management: Spark employs in-memory computation for better performance. It uses caching and optimization techniques to efficiently manage data in memory across the cluster.
Lazy Evaluation: Spark's transformations on RDDs are lazily evaluated, meaning they're not computed until an action is called. This helps in optimizing the execution plan.
Fault Tolerance: Spark ensures fault tolerance through lineage, where it keeps track of how an RDD is derived from other RDDs, allowing it to recompute lost data partitions.
Spark's architecture provides scalability, fault tolerance, and flexibility, making it a powerful framework for various data processing and analytics tasks.
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