2024 Classic South Africa (5) :Game Drive in Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Game Reserve:經典南非之旅 (5): 赫盧赫盧韋野生動物保護區

2024 Classic South Africa (5) :Game Drive in Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Game Reserve is one of the oldest nature reserves in Africa. here are many kinds of wild animals. All the African Big Five will appear here. The reserve contains the largest population of white rhinos in the world.
經典南非之旅 (5): 赫盧赫盧韋野生動物保護區 是非洲最古老的自然動物保護區之一。有多種野生動物。所有的非洲五霸都會出現在這裡。保護區內有世界上數量最多的白犀牛。

