2023 道綺作品-When Worlds Collide: A Formosan Black Bear's Deadly Dance with Civilization(4K-60mins)

“ Documentary ”
When Worlds Collide: A Formosan Black Bear's Deadly Dance with Civilization
This is the true story of one Formosan black bear’s encounter with civilization.
A fateful encounter with a wild boar trap in mid-autumn 2019 first brought this bear to national attention. However, after months of recuperation and subsequent release back into the wild, it lingered worryingly near settled areas, damaging orchards and even ransacking a mountain cabin in search of food. Re-released in a remote forested area, the bear set out an incredible journey across arduous terrain in the direction of home. This is the moving story of “711” … also known as “568” - a wild Formosan black bear from Taichung’s Mt. Daxue area.
The bear died on the 25th day of its long journey home in May 2022 in the Mt. Wujie region of Nantou County. News of the death was a devastating blow to the hundreds involved in 711/568’s rescue, recovery, and tracking efforts. It also offered a difficult lesson for us all about the work yet ahead for wildlife conservation.
This film examines Formosan black bear conservation from multiple perspectives, including those involved in this bear’s rescue and care, living in areas affected by 711/568, and working in the many public and private organizations dedicated to the cause of wildlife conservation. We hope the story told here helps further raise public understanding and concern for wildlife conservation in Taiwan.
導演 / 顏妏如、張元昱
Director / Wen-ru Yen, Yuan-yu Chang
行政院農業委員會林務局 監製
道綺全球傳播有限公司 製作
Overseen & Produced by Forestry Bureau,Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
Produced by Visionway Communication Co., Ltd.
