20 years of European Studies in Maastricht

Hip hip hooray! This year, the bachelor’s programme European Studies turns 20 years old! At the start of the new millennium a group of Maastricht University scholars founded a new educational and research platform - the European Studies community. They were united by the vision of an interdisciplinary academic field that is focused on Europe in the broadest sense. They were convinced that complex European and international developments can only be understood by examining the wider socio-cultural context from various perspectives and with the toolbox of different disciplinary fields of the humanities and social sciences. In 2002 the currently largest BA programme in European Studies was launched. And the rest is history: in 2003 the Politics and Culture in Europe research programme was founded, followed by three master’s programmes in European Studies, and numerous successful research projects.
Have a look at the video, in which the founding fathers of the programme not only look back, but also discuss the future of the programme.
