1960's Thunderbird by Epiphone- Pete Way Tribute - Andy Irvine


The first time I ever saw Pete Way play live was in around 1982, I remember the moment vividly when he came charging out onto the stage wielding a Thunderbird in his fully commanding rock glory. I said to myself "Holy &^%#, that is the coolest mother &%$#&* I've ever seen, I want to be like that!" There was Steve Harris, Cliff Williams, Ian Hill, Geezer, Bob Daisly, Jimmy Bain, Roger Glover and many others who were cool too, but NONE were as cool as PETE! I think if you asked them they would all agree. I don't believe there has been anyone as cool since, he is the GOAT in terms of hard rockin' bass player cool factor and remains the enduring archetype. I should mention, his ability, creativity, tone and complete command was equally spectacular. We need not ever forget our roots. I never once looked back at it being a childhood phase or music that later I came to consider less than great. To this day it's my favorite music, it brings me the exact same passion to rock with all my might that it did more than 40 years ago as a burgeoning rocker bassist.

