12 13 2022 Morning Announcements

Good morning, Pierce!
The health center at Pierce is partnering with The Trap Yoga Studio to offer FREE monthly yoga classes to teens ages 10-21. No experience is necessary! Yoga mats and water bottles will be provided! Contact the health center with any questions.
There’s a creative crafting club coming to Pierce!
Do you like to do things that are creative and crafty? If you answered yes then this is the club for you! The first club meeting will be Thursday, December 8th in Ms. Sanchez's room which is 12C. It will be after school until 4:10. This club will meet every other Thursday. Any questions please email Ms. Sanchez or Mrs. Gonzalez.
Time to turn in your E-sports permission slips is running out! We need them by December 21st (you can give completed ones to Ms. Jaskot in 1D or Mr. Chives in the 7th grade hallway). Tryouts will run on December 22nd. We hope to see you all at the tryouts! Game on, Pierce!
The next Activity Night is Thursday, 12/15 from 6-8pm. Activity Night is $10 for all students but if your parent volunteers to chaperone you can get in for free!
Have a Good Day, Pierce!
