1008 Divine Names of Lord Venkateswara (Kshetra Tirumala) - "Sri Venkateswara Sahasranamam"

Sridevi - Bhudevi Samedha Sri Srinivasa (Venkateswara/Balaji) (Sriman Narayana/Maha Vishnu) Seva @ Shangu Chakra Gadha Padmam - My Home Thirumaligai (Sanctum) during Puratasi (Kanya) Sanivaram Panchaparvam Observance 2012. The Sanskrit Hymn (1008 Names) on Lord Venkateswara (Srinivasa) of Thiruvengadam (Kshetra Tirupathi) is rendered by Dr. Thiagarajan Ensemble.
My Home Thirumaligai hosts Sriman Narayana with his Consorts Sridevi-Bhudevi, Sri Mahalakshmi , Sri Yoga Narasimha, Sri Lakshmi Narasimha, Sri Dolai Kannan (Bala Krishna), Sri Aandal, Sri Ram Parivar, Sri Ramanuja , Sri Manavalamamuni & Sri Satyanarayanaswamy. All Alangarams, Daily rituals (Thenkalai Nithyanusandhanam Sampradaya) and Kainkariyams are performed for the Lord including all auspicious events. Panchaparva Seva & Thirumanjanam (Holy Bath) is performed on Ekadesi, Amavasya, Purnima and when Revathi Star is in Ascendence.
The images and clips used in this Video are of my Home Deities during Prayer Observance (Sanctum). The audio/sound recordings are used where ever necessary without any commercial intentions or monetary benefit according to "Fair Use" and mainly for educating audience into Vaishnavism, Dravida Vedam (Divyaprabandham), Works of Acharyas, Sanskrit Vedic Hymns, Shlokas, Mantras, Carnatic and Devotional music by providing visuals for better appreciation and for listening pleasure & spiritual realization. Most of the Shlokas, Mantras, Vedas and Divyaprabandhams are available in Public Domain and is recited in all Vaishnava Temples & 108 Divyadesams.
Narayana (Sanskrit: नारायण; nārāyaṇa; Kannada: ನಾರಾಯಣ; Telugu: నారాయణుడు; Tamil: நாராயணன்) or Narayan or Naraina is an important Sanskrit name for Vishnu, and in many contemporary vernaculars a common Indian name. Narayana is also identified as the original man, Purusha. The Puranas present divergent views on Narayana. In the Kurma Purana he is identified with Brahman and Krishna-Vishnu. In the Mahabharata Krishna is often referred to as Narayana and Arjuna as Nara. The epic identifies them both in plural 'Krishnas', or as part incarnations of the earlier incarnations of Vishnu, recalling their mystical identity as Nara-Narayana.
Narayana is another name for Vishnu and appears as the 245th name in the Vishnu sahasranama (See Vaishnava Theology). Actually Narayana is not another name of Vishnu because Narayana is Vishnu himself, it is written in vedas Narayana is the original name of God from whom everything exists, it says in Bhagavat Mahapuran and Rig veda that Narayana devam adevam isham means Narayana is the only lord beyond him there is no other lord. Therefore great sages like Devarshi Narada always chants Narayan, Narayan and Sriman Narayan. It says in Rig veda that Brahma Narayanaha, Vishnu Narayanaha and Rudra Narayanaha. Narayan is the primeval Lord of all whom everything originates, in the Purusha Sukta mantras it is said from the Universal form of Narayana, Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh created for creations, maintenance, and destruction of the whole cosmos and to protect religion and saints he took 21 incarnations which is mentioned in Bhagavat Mahapuran first canto. The universal form of Narayana mentioned in Maha Narayana Upanisad as Om sahasra sreesam devam vishwakhyam vishwa sambhubam, viswam Narayana devam aksharam paramam padam, means that universal form has got thousands of heads, eyes, legs etc. created from Narayana who is indestructible seed and whose feet is the ultimate shelter for all.
"Om Namo NārāyaNāya" is one of the most famous mantras chanted by Hindus. This mantra, along with Om Namah Shivāya, and the Gayatri mantra are the most sacred prayers by Hindus. When doing a puja, people say the 108 names of Narayana. A verse that confers the Devas' subordinate status comes from the Vishnu Sahasranama, whose concluding verses state: "The Rishis (great sages), ancestors, the Devas, the great elements, in fact, all things moving and unmoving constituting this universe have originated from Narayana." This verse indicates that the Devas are subordinate to Vishnu, but Vishnu is often named a Deva. (Vasudeva, Nrusimhadeva, etc.)

