Фильм және анимация

1 Year = 100 Subscribers, Is it a coincidence that i hit 100 subs
ON CHRISTMAS?!?! Yeah that's right I'm posting this video on 12/25/2023
I got my Christmas wish, Thank you all so much for 100 subscribers.
i know 100 isn't really big yet, But one day 100 will be 200, and then 200 will be 300, then 300 will be 1 Million, Not today, but one day.
I Love all of you, and ill see you in the next one.
Also unfortunately i have some bad news Lego The ROOMS is gonna be
postponed to Early January because i got lazy on the week before christmas
(I'm Sorry.) I Promise it'll be out early next month see ya later!
(Music Used: Super Mario World End Credits)

