100% Sega Genesis and MegaDrive collection For Xbox 360

Time stamps
Vector man 2 03:20
Streets of rage 04:22
Streets of rage 3 10:08
Super thunder Blade 15:29
Sonic Spin ball 19:59
Sonic the Hedgehog 31:10
Sonic the hedgehog 3 32:58
Sonic 3D 34:45
Shinobi III 43:29
Robotnik M.B.M 48:17
Ristar 51:32
55:37 Kid Chameleon
Golden Axe 1:01:07
Golden Axe II 1:07:10
Golden Axe III 1:12:05
Flicky 1:19:59
Fatal Labyrinth 1:22:21
E-Swat 1:26:00
Ecco The Dolphin 1:32:49
Ecco Tides of time 1:33:32
Decap Attack 1:34:16
Comix Zone 1:38:15
Columns 1:46:58
Bonanza Bros 1:51:15
Beyond Oasis NTSC is The Story of Thor PAL 1:52:58
Altered Beast 2:01:20
Alien Storm 2:04:17
Alex Kidd 2:09:46
Cheats listed Below
Sonic 3D Change controller scheme to Genesis
at the start screen enter A,X,Right,X,B,up,down,X
Then on 3rd level hit start and A to skip to the Boss and then again to skip the boss level.
Vector man 2
Start game, pause it with start then press on the D-pad, Up, Right, X, Y, X, Down, Left, X, Down, Start. change the level to dig 2 and press start
Streets of rage
Hit a on controller 2 then A on controller 1 then when it says continue hit a on controller 2 this is so we can enter a cheat code with controller 2 and it will ask this every time we restart so I only show and recommend this code if you're having a hard time beating the first level Hover over options controller 2 holds B,A,Y And right on the D-pad controller 1 Hits A this will give you the option to have 7 lives.
Streets of rage 3
At the title screen hold up on the d-pad and X (If you want roo to play as)
At the Menu screen, hold B, then press UP and move to Options. With these buttons still held, press START. You will hear a tone confirming the code and a new STAGE SELECT item will appear on the Options screen.
Sonic the Hedgehog
At the title screen that displays sonic press up, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT and then A and START in time to the music you will hear a chime and have level select.
Shinobi III
Go to options and Hit B on these music tracks options.
He runs, Japonesque, shinboi walk, sakura, getufu Invincibility
Golden Axe 2
sit on options and press and hold Y, X, and A.
When you enter the option menu, let go of X and A but keep holding Y.
Change the energy to max and the difficulty to easy.
Move down and press X on 'Exit'. (well still holding Y)
Press X to start the game and X To select your Character all well holding Y if done correctly a number 1 appears on screen, Push X to put it on 3 and then start.
Decap attack
Go into options then put your arrow on exit Press right, left, left, right, right, right, left, left and B
Comix Zone
in the options menu Select the Jukebox. Then push B on these numbers: 3 - 12 - 17 - 2 - 2 - 10 - 2 - 7 - 7 - 11
Alex Kidd Enchanted Castle
during the intro sequence, when you see the chests hold Down and Right on, the d-pad and A until the music stops at the title screen.
