03-09-2022 Morning Announcements

March is reading month. If you haven’t heard, you can win prizes for reading books and passing AR tests this month. Each AR test you pass gets you a treat and an entry into a raffle at the end of the month.
Reading a book by a black author or about black people, women, or immigrants gets you an extra entry in the raffle. And, if your advisory class gets the most AR points in your grade level, you get a donut party! Read every day and win!
Parent-teacher conferences are on March 10th between 4pm and 9pm. Your parents can sign up using PTC Wizard. Check the principal’s emails for the link.
If you’re missing some assignments, get them turned in, and if you’re proud of the work you’ve been doing, make sure your parents sign up for conferences!
Homework clinic is on Mondays and Thursdays in the Media Center from the end of school until 4:25. Go there to concentrate and get some help on your work!
Schoolcraft College is holding a Middle School Science Day on Saturday, March 19, 2022. There’ll be lots of hands-on fun. To register, call 734-462-4422. It’s $8 for students and free for parents.
Spring break is March 28th to April 1st. We’ll come back to school on the 4th.
